She stopped at their seat and looked down at the pile of stuff he'd left for her. (Where were her schoolbooks? He wondered) Then she picked everything up, careful as ever, and sat down.
# Park #
When she got on the bus a few minutes later, Park could tell that something was wrong. She got on like she was lost and ended up there. She was wearing the same thing she'd worn yesterday -- which wasn't that weird, she was always wearing a different version of the same thing -- but today was different. Her neck and wrists were bare, and her hair was a mess -- a pile, an all-over glob, of red curls.
When Park got on the bus, he set the comics and Smiths tape on the seat next to him, so they'd just be waiting for her. So he wouldn't have to say anything.
Park wanted to look at her face, but he couldn't. He stared at her wrists instead. She picked up the cassette. He'd written "How Soon is Now and More" on the thin white sticker.
She held it out to him.
"Thank you…" she said. Now that was something he'd never heard her say before. "But I can't."