英语入门对话:54 Exploring Options
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    Asking for input

    What do you think (about . . . )?

    How do you feel (about . . . )?

    Any ideas?

    What are the alternatives?

    Exploring Options

    Let's look at Option 1.

    What (do you think) about Plan B?

    How about the third alternative?

    Let's consider Bob's proposal.

    Moving on

    Let's move on to Option 2.

    What about Plan C?

    Let's look at the fourth choice.

    How about Mary's idea?

    Should we move on to the next point?

    Before we move on, we need to consider . . .

      上一篇:英语入门对话:53 Supporting Opinions 下一篇:英语入门对话:55 Contrasting

