英语入门对话:62 Giving Instructions
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    Asking for Instructions

    How do you (do this)?

    How do I . . . ?

    What is the best way to . . . ?

    How do I go about it?

    What do you suggest?

    How do you suggest I proceed?

    What is the first step?

    Giving Instructions

    First, (you) . . .

    Then, (you) . . .

    Next, (you) . . .

    Lastly, (you) . . .

    Starting out

    Before you begin, (you should . . .)

    The first thing you do is . . . .

    I would start by . . .

    The best place to begin is . . .

    To begin with,


    After that,

    The next step is to . . .
    The next thing you do is . . .

    Once you've done that, then . . .

    When you finish that, then . . .


    The last step is . . .

    The last thing you do is . . .

    In the end,

    When you've finished,

    When you've completed all the steps,

      上一篇:英语入门对话:61 Simple Presentations 下一篇:英语入门对话:63 Conceding to Make a Point

