派出法庭 detached tribunal
派出所 police station
判决 judgement; determination
判决书 judgement; determination; verdict (指陪审团作出的)
旁证 circumstantial evidence
陪审员 juror
批准逮捕 approval of arrest
破案 clear up a criminal case; solve a criminal case
破产 bankruptcy; insolvency
普通程序 general/ordinary procedure
普通管辖 general jurisdiction
企业法人破产还债程序 procedure of bankruptcy and liquidation of a business corporation
起诉 filing of a lawsuit
起诉 sue; litigate; prosecute; institution of proceedings
起诉状 indictment; information
区县检察院 grassroots People’s Procuratorate
取保候审 the bail pending trial with restricted liberty of moving
缺席判决 default judgement
人民调解委员会 People’s Mediation Committee
认定财产无主案件 cases concerning determination of property as qwnerless
认定公民无民事行为能力、限制民事行为能力案件cases concerning determination of a citizen as incompetent or with limited disposing capacity
上诉 appeal
上诉人 appellant
上诉状 petition for appeal
少管所 juvenile prison
社会治安综合治理 comprehensive treatment of social security
涉外案件 cases involving foreign interests