对以往试题的分析表明, 四六级考试听力部分所涉及的题材句式都比较有限,我们完全可以通过熟悉相关的句式来间接地为听力部分做准备。我们归纳总结了以下几个部分,应该说大部分都是读者们比较熟悉的了,但是一定不要因为看上去比较熟就不去重视它们。
101 one hundred (and ) one
200 two hundred
998 nine hundred ( and ) ninetyeight
在英语中上面括弧中的and 一般不能省略;而在美国英语中却往往省去。请分析下面的对话:
A:How many people are killed in the terrorists' attacking at America?
B: That's nine hundred and ninetyeight, exactly.
A: Woo, you must be joking. How can you get such an accurate number?
B: Ha, ha... surely I am joking. You silly goose.
1001 a/one thousand (and) one
2232 two thousand two hundred (and) thirtytwo
nine hundred billion seven hundred thirtytwo million two hundred sixtysix forty three
英语中一千以上数字的表达方法是以三位数为单元,从高到低billion,million,thousand 而依次读出的。因此我们在听时,可以三位数三位数地记录。试比较下面的对话:
A:Can you tell me exactly the numbers of the whole people in our country?
B:One billion four hundred thirtytwo million two hundred sixtysix forty three.
A:Thank you very much。
上午八点 eight AM (a.m。) [eiem]
下午九点 nine PM (p.m。) [piem]
六点六分 six six
六点三十二 six thirty two
八点正 eight o'clock
八点四十五 a quarter to nine
七点零五分 five past seven
七点五十四 six to eight
六点半 half past six
十一点正 at 11 o'clock sharp
at 11 o'clock on the hour
at 11 o'clock on the strike
正午12点 at noon
午夜12点 at midnight
W: How long does the class usually last?
M: Umm, let me think. It starts from a quarter to nine, and ends at nine thirty。
W: That is fortyfive minutes. Thank you very much!
Q: When does the class usually start?