A: Hi, how's the weather today?
A: 你好,今天天气怎么样?
B: It's quite sunny, but the temperature is a bit low.
B: 天气挺晴朗的,但是温度有点低。
A: Yeah, I noticed the forecast says it's going to be windy later.
A: 是的,我注意到预报说晚些时候会有风。
B: Really? I didn't check the forecast. Should I bring a jacket?
B: 真的吗?我没看预报。我是不是应该带件夹克?
A: Yeah, it's better to be prepared. It's always good to have a jacket in case it gets cold.
A: 是的,有备无患。带件夹克总是好的,以防天气变冷。
B: Alright, I'll grab one. What about the humidity?
B: 好的,我拿一件。湿度怎么样?
A: It's quite low today, so the air feels a bit dry.
A: 今天湿度挺低的,所以空气感觉有点干。
B: I see. I should probably use a moisturizer before I go out.
B: 我明白了。我出门前应该抹点保湿霜。
A: Good idea. And don't forget to wear sunscreen, even though it's not super hot.
A: 好主意。别忘了涂防晒霜,即使今天不是特别热。
B: Thanks for the reminder! I'll make sure to do that.
B: 谢谢你的提醒!我一定会的。
forecast (n.): 预报,预测
windy (adj.): 有风的
prepared (adj.): 有准备的
humidity (n.): 湿度
moisturizer (n.): 保湿霜
sunscreen (n.): 防晒霜
reminder (n.): 提醒,提示
grab (v.): 拿,取
in case: 以防万一,万一...的话