员工(Employee, E): Good morning, Mr. Smith. I'd like to give you an update on the project progress.
员工(E): 早上好,史密斯先生。我想向您汇报一下项目的进展情况。
经理(Manager, M): Good morning, Emily. Please go ahead.
经理(M): 早上好,艾米丽。请继续。
E: We've completed the market research phase, and the results are quite promising.
E: 我们已经完成了市场调研阶段,结果相当令人鼓舞。
M: That's great to hear. What are the key findings?
M: 听到这个很高兴。主要发现是什么?
E: Our target audience is highly interested in our product's unique features, especially the eco-friendly aspect.
E: 我们的目标客户对我们的产品独特功能非常感兴趣,特别是其环保特性。
M: Excellent. How about the timeline? Are we still on track?
M: 很好。时间线方面呢?我们还在按计划进行吗?
E: Yes, we're right on schedule. The development team is working diligently to meet the deadlines.
E: 是的,我们完全按照时间表进行。开发团队正在努力工作以按时完成任务。
M: Good to know. What challenges have you encountered so far?
M: 知道了。到目前为止你们遇到了什么挑战吗?
E: One challenge has been managing the supply chain disruptions caused by recent logistics issues. But we've found alternative suppliers and are mitigating the risk.
E: 一个挑战是管理最近物流问题导致的供应链中断。但我们已经找到了替代供应商,并正在减轻风险。
M: Well done, Emily. Keep me informed of any further developments.
M: 做得很好,艾米丽。有任何新进展请随时告诉我。
E: Absolutely, Mr. Smith. Thank you for your support.
E: 当然,史密斯先生。感谢您的支持。
update (v.) 更新,此处指提供最新信息。
promising (adj.) 有希望的,有前途的。
target audience 目标受众,指产品或服务针对的特定人群。
eco-friendly (adj.) 环保的,对环境无害的。
timeline (n.) 时间表,指项目或事件的时间规划。
on track 按计划进行,处于正轨上。
diligently (adv.) 勤勉地,认真地。
supply chain disruptions 供应链中断,指供应链中发生的导致供应不畅的问题。
mitigate (v.) 减轻,缓和(风险、影响等)。
alternative suppliers 替代供应商,指在原供应商无法满足需求时选择的其他供应商。