A: Hi, I'm looking for a new laptop for my studies.
A: 嗨,我正在找一台适合学习用的新笔记本电脑。
B: Sure, we have a variety of laptops here. What specific features are you looking for?
B: 当然,我们这里有很多款笔记本电脑。你在找哪些具体功能呢?
A: I need something lightweight and portable, as I carry it around campus a lot.
A: 我需要轻便且便携的,因为我要经常在校园里带着它。
B: How about this one? It's ultra-thin and has a long battery life.
B: 这台怎么样?它超薄,电池续航也很长。
A: That sounds good. Does it have enough storage for my study materials?
A: 听起来不错。它有足够的存储空间来存放我的学习资料吗?
B: Absolutely, it comes with a 512GB SSD.
B: 当然有,它配备了512GB的固态硬盘。
A: Perfect. And what about the price?
A: 太好了。那价格方面呢?
B: It's currently on sale for $800, which is a great deal.
B: 现在它打折,只要800美元,非常划算。
A: That's within my budget. I'll take it!
A: 在我的预算范围内。我买了!
B: Great choice! Let me get it ready for you.
B: 好选择!我来帮你准备好。
laptop (n.) 笔记本电脑
feature (n.) 功能,特性
lightweight (adj.) 轻便的
portable (adj.) 便携的
battery life 电池续航
SSD (Solid State Drive) 固态硬盘
storage (n.) 存储空间
on sale 打折
budget (n.) 预算