A: Excuse me, could you tell me where I can pay for the parking fee?
A: 打扰一下,请问我在哪里可以支付停车费?
B: Sure, there's a pay station right over there near the entrance.
B: 当然可以,入口附近就有一个缴费站。
A: How much do I owe for two hours of parking?
A: 我停了两个小时,需要支付多少钱?
B: The rate is 2perhour,soitwouldbe4 for two hours.
B: 每小时收费2美元,所以两个小时是4美元。
A: Do you accept credit cards or only cash?
A: 你们接受信用卡支付还是只收现金?
B: We accept both credit cards and cash.
B: 我们都接受。
A: Great, here's my card. How do I go about paying?
A: 太好了,这是我的卡。我应该怎么支付?
B: Just insert your card into the machine, follow the prompts, and it will process your payment.
B: 把卡插进机器里,按照提示操作,它就会处理你的支付了。
A: Thank you very much for your help.
A: 非常感谢你的帮助。
B: You're welcome. Have a good day!
B: 不客气。祝你今天过得愉快!
pay station - 缴费站
rate - 费率
credit card - 信用卡
cash - 现金
insert - 插入
prompt - 提示
process - 处理