教程:四级改错  浏览:54  
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    In recent years, the popularity of smartphones has soared. They have not only revolutionized the way we communicate, but also have changed our lifestyles dramatically. For instance, we can access a wide range of information on the Internet with just a click, which makes our lives more convenient. However, this convenience comes at a cost. People tend to spend excessive amounts of time on their phones, ignoring their surrounding environment and even affecting their health. Moreover, the addiction to smartphones has led to a decrease in face-to-face communication, weakening social skills. Additionally, the constant notifications from apps can be disturbing and affect our concentration.




    错误1: have also changed - have also been changing
    更正: They have not only revolutionized the way we communicate, but have also been changing our lifestyles dramatically.
    解析: 使用现在完成进行时“have been changing”更能表达智能手机持续影响生活方式的过程。

    错误2: just a click - just one click
    更正: we can access a wide range of information on the Internet with just one click, which makes our lives more convenient.
    解析: “Just a click”虽然口语化,但在这里使用“just one click”更为精确和正式。

    错误3: comes at a cost - comes with a cost
    更正: However, this convenience comes with a cost.
    解析: “Comes at a cost”虽然可以理解,但“comes with a cost”是更常见的表达方式,意味着方便是有代价的。

    错误4: ignoring their surrounding environment - ignoring the surrounding environment
    更正: People tend to spend excessive amounts of time on their phones, ignoring the surrounding environment and even affecting their health.
    解析: 使用定冠词“the”表示泛指的环境,而不是特指某人的环境。

    错误5: led to a decrease in - resulted in a decline of
    更正: Moreover, the addiction to smartphones has resulted in a decline of face-to-face communication, weakening social skills.
    解析: 使用“resulted in a decline of”替换“led to a decrease in”,使表达更加丰富多样。

    错误6: Additionally, the constant notifications - Furthermore, the constant barrage of notifications
    更正: Furthermore, the constant barrage of notifications from apps can be disturbing and affect our concentration.
    解析: “Barrage”意味着一连串的、猛烈的,用来形容不断涌来的应用程序通知更为生动贴切。

    错误7: affecting our concentration - disrupting our concentration
    更正: ...can be disturbing and disrupting our concentration.
    解析: 使用“disrupting”代替“affecting”,更具体地表达了通知对注意力的破坏作用。注意,虽然“affect”是通用的动词,但“disrupt”在这里更准确地传达了干扰的负面含义。


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