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Many countries have excellent universities. There are, however, few world famous ones. These universities have achieved their fame through a combination of both their age and the high levels of quality in their instruction. Throughout their histories, each one has been a testing ground for the leadership of the nation. In the United States, Harvard and Yale are the two most famous schools. Each of these began as a religious school, but expanded beyond this to excel in all types of scholarship. Each year, they attract thousands of foreign students who would use what they learn for the advancement of their own nations. In this way, these schools have developed an interesting method of international communication. Graduates around the world are able to connect with each other by having graduated from one of the finest universities in the world. Leaders in every field, whether government officials or ground-breaking scientists, who graduated from the same school have a direct link to each other and understand each other much better. Thus, the fame of a school cannot be determined only by the number of students that it has or even the number of teachers. This can only come through education standards, when each professor gains the best knowledge, teaching it to the students.
Grammar 语法小结
air-conditioner 空调 alarm-clock 闹钟 baby-sitter 保姆
book-case 书柜 credit-card 信用卡 health-center 医疗中心
income-tax 所得税 mother-tongue 母语 pen-friend 笔友
sign-language 手势语 fancy-dress-ball 化妆舞会 tea-table 茶几
pocket-money 零用钱 central-bank 中央银行 fast-food 快餐
human-rights 人权 old-hand 老手 high-school 高中
dining-room 餐厅 sleeping-bag 睡袋
2. 合成形容词
absent-minded 心不在焉的 broken-hearted 心碎的 cold-blooded 冷血的
hand-picked 精选的 high-heeled 高跟的 home-made 家里制作的
grey-haired 头发灰白的 low-paid 工资低的 middle-aged 中年的
short-handed 人手短缺的 hard-working 勤劳的 long-lasting 持久的
家庭总动员 Do it together