初二英语作文:The Best Gift I Have Ever Received 我曾经收到的比较好的礼物
教程:初二英语作文  浏览:15426  
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    Everyone has ever received some gifts so far. Maybe they were from your parents friends or classmates. I have received a really great gift from my father when I was a child. It’s a ticket to a concert. And I listened to the concert with my father. I enjoyed the piano voice and became more and more excited. At that time I knew that I had fallen in love with the piano music. I really like that concert.


    The magical music has encouraged me for a long time. However I have never gone to a concert again. But I still remember the first concert in my life.


    Though several years have gone I can feel the wonderful piano voice.


      上一篇:初二英语作文:Dragon Boat Race 赛龙舟 下一篇:初二英语作文:My Hobbies 我的爱好

