初中英语作文 日记·An English Lecture Competition (2) 英语演讲比赛(2)
教程:初三英语作文  浏览:157  
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    An English Lecture Competition (2) 英语演讲比赛(2)


    May 14th, 2008

    Two days ago, a terrible earthquake happened in Wenchuan Country, Sichuan Province. Hundreds of thousands of people lost their lives , and many people became homeless. Money or life necessities donated by many countries were sent to the people who needed. Although I am only a student, I should do what I can do to help those who are in trouble . So I left my pocket money to the Red Cross today. I think if everyone makes a contribution to our world, the world will become more beautiful.


    hundreds of thousands of 成百上千的……

    lose one's life 失去生命

    send… to 发出……

    be in trouble 陷入困境

    the Red Cross 红十字会

    make a contribution to… 贡献于……

      上一篇:初中英语作文 日记·An English Lecture Competition (1) 英语演讲比赛(1) 下一篇:初中英语作文 日记·Visiting a Farm 参观农场

