初中英语作文 日记·Swimming 游泳
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    Swimming 游泳


    Sunday, July 24

    It was the first time in my life that I had swum in the sea .

    At first, I got ready for a dive, but a wave came over. It struck my face heavily and the water went into my eyes, nose and mouth. How bitter and salty it tasted ! But I was not discouraged at all. I wiped the water off my face, took a deep breath and began swimming happily.

    The wave became larger and larger , as if the sea was angry with me . When I saw a wave in the distance , I would hold my breath, and just before it came to where I was, I jumped up and easily kept myself away from it. How exciting! It was just like lying on the clouds.

    All that afternoon, I swam and jumped and had a very good time.


    It was the first time in my life that I had swum in the sea. 这是我有生以来第一次在海里游泳。

    get ready for… 为……做准备

    How bitter and salty it tasted! 海水尝起来又苦又咸!

    The wave became larger and larger. 浪花越来越大。

    be angry with sb. 生某人的气

    in the distance 在远处

    keep away from… 使免于,使不能

      上一篇:初中英语作文 日记·Planting Trees 植树 下一篇:初中英语作文 日记·A Snowy Day 雪天

