高中英语作文:课外活动的好处 The Good Sides of Extra-curricular Activity
教程:高一英语作文  浏览:2256  
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    I can always hear the news of education innovation after I go to school, and many teachers are talking about the importance of extra-curricular activity, which is believed to bring more creativity and vitality to the class. Actually, the traditional class pays much attention to the knowledge from the books all the time, which is easy to let students feel bored. As a result, every student is so excited about the PE class, because they can enjoy freedom and play for fun. Extra-curricular activity provides students a different way to broaden their vision and inspire their creativity. Students feel relaxed and can think in the active way. Many great people got their idea from the nature, so if the teachers want to improve students' interest, the good learning environment should not be limited in the classroom. 


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