导语: 关于二胎政策的放开,尤其是这些10岁左右的孩子已经有些懂事有些幼稚,对于他们来说能否接受再有一个弟弟妹妹呢?本篇内容主要针对这个话题进行讨论。
The “one child” policy has been changed in our country and it is possible that some of us may have a brother or sister. Are you willing to have a younger sibling in your family?
In a schoolwide survey about this question, most of my fellow students say yes. They are very glad to have a companion at home and therefore they will no longer feel lonely when their parents are busy working. In addition, they can learn to share things with and offer help to other people. The few others who say no to the question are afraid that their parents will love them less if they have a younger brother or sister at home.
As for me, I will be very happy to have a younger brother or sister. For one thing, a small child is great fun to me and I like to play with him or her. For another, I will have a good friend to do things with, to talk with and to share my life with.
“单独二胎政策”英语怎么说:selective two-child policy
类似词汇:selective education(选择性教育,即“因材施教”)
又如selected students(优选生)
selected works(精选集)