此类单选题以WH QUESTION(who, when, what, where, why, how等)形式出现,由于选择对象明确,此类题目相对容易做,在做题过程中应注意干扰方向。
例1:Cambridge4 Test 2 Section 1 Question 3
.Who did Peter talk to at the bank?
A.an old friend
B.an American man
C.a German man
解析:通过读题干可得知选择对象是某个人,并且出现了地点状语at the bank,由此圈定事件的发生地。由选项可得知答案可能出现人物的国籍干扰因素。原文为He is a tourist, from New York. 由此可判断选择B选项。
例2:Cambridge4 Test 3 Section 2 Question 11
When is this year’s festival being held?
A.1-13 January
B.5-17 January
C.25-31 January
解析:通过读题干可得知选择对象是时间,并且明显是时间段。this year’s festival限定了选择对象的时间范围,所以在文中可能出现时间上的干扰。原文中首先提到在过去几年中时间都是定在5日到17日左右,因此可排除B选项,接着说this year, they’ve put it at the end of the month, 尽管没有提到具体时间,但显然应该选择C选项。
例3:Cambridge4 Test 3 Section 2 Question 12
What will the reviewer concentrate on today?
解析:通过读题干可得知选择对象是一个事物,时间状语today的出现说明题目中可能存在时间上的干扰,我们要选择的是评论家当天要介绍的,而不是其他时间要讲的。原文中三个选项同时出现了,但随后的信息中又提到in today’s report, I’m looking at some of the theatrical events that you might like to see. 由theatrical events可得知应选择A选项。 .
1..概念解释:考试中常常会就文中提到的某些概念或名词作一些解释,这些概念通常是不熟悉的,或者很容易产生误解的。此类题目通常会以从句的形式出现,如…is who…/…is when…./…is that…./being…is….或者以一个简单句sth be…/sth do…出现
例1:Cambridge3 Test 1 Section 4 Question 36
Being overweight
A.is a major source of back pain
B.worsens existing back pain
C.reduces the effectiveness of exercise.
解析:结合题干和选项,本题要求对超重作一个解释,是一个简单句,并且AB选项都和back pain有关,C选项则和exercise有关。原文中提到back pain时说到:the weight will increase the strain and make things worse,因此B选项为正确答案。
例2:Cambridge4 Test 2 Section 4 Question 31
Corporate crime is generally committed
A.against individual
B.by groups
C.for companies
解析:题目要求对corporate crime进行解释,是一个简单句,补充的为一个介词短语,三个选项都和犯罪主体或对象有关。原文用be defined as来引出定义:crime which is committed for the corporate organization-the company-not against it。几乎和原题是一样的表达方式,因此答案为C.
例3:Cambridge4 Test 2 Section 2 Question 18
Loans are also available to students who
A.can’t pay their rent
B.need to buy furniture
C.can’t cover their living expenses
解析:该题为一个复杂句,补充的是一个定语从句来解释哪种学生能得到贷款,并且从选项中可以发现这种贷款和生活有关。原文中提到:when you move into a new flat, starting up expenses including furniture for it can be covered by a loan。因此B为正确选项。
2. 个人,机构的看法,建议,喜好:在这类选择题中通常能看到advise, suggest, recommend, like, think, according to等表示意见建议及喜好的单词和词组。在做题的过程中必须先搞清楚题目要求弄清的是谁的想法,是站在哪方的角度上考虑的,否则就很容易出错了。
例1:Cambridge3 Test 1 Section 4 Question 32
According to the speaker, the main cause of back pain in women is
C.lack of exercise
解析:题目要求找出女性背痛的一个主要原因,并且是说话人的一个个人想法。三个选项在原文中都有出现,当提到osteoporosis时说到:which I personally believe to be the major cause of problem for women,表达了自己的意见,因此答案为B.
3.表原因,结果,条件:这类考题也是非常多见的,题干的句末通常是because, because of, be caused by, if 等表示原因、结果、条件的词。
例1:Cambridge4 Test 2 Section 2 Question 14
A personal crisis may be caused by
A. studying for too long overseas
B. business problems in the student’s own country
C. disruptions to personal relationships
解析:题目要求找出引起个人危机的原因,三个选项描述的内容各不相同,并且在原文中都有提到。在做题时必须区分哪个是原因,选项的表达方式是否正确。粗略听下来会觉得文讲到的原因似乎在选项中都有,仔细分辨选项就会发现,A中too long为多余成分,文中没有提到;B中business problem为真正意义上的商业问题,而文中只是讲到you might call “unfinished business”,实际上business就是affair的意思,因此这个答案也是错误的,正确的为C选项。
例2:Cambridge4 Test 2 Section 2 Question 15
Students may lose self-esteem if
A.they have to change courses
B.they don’t complete their courses
C.their family puts too much pressure on them
解析:题目要求找出在哪种情况下学生的自尊心会受到伤害,选项AB与课程有关,不同的是A选项指换课,B选项指完不成课程。原文中有听到C选项的内容,但没有跟自尊心联系起来。原文中提到:if you fail a subject or drop out of a course because it’s too difficult then your self-esteem can suffer,then前后的内容表达了事情条件和结果。因此答案为B。
4. 句意补充:有些考题要求把句子补充完整,通常补充动词短语、宾语或补语。此类考题形式多样,需结合题干和选项从语法上判断补充的成分的词性和类型。
例1:Cambridge4 Test 2 Section 2 Question 17
Students in financial difficulties can receive
A. assistance to buy books
B. a loan to pay their course fees
C. a no-interest loan to cover study expenses
解析:题目要求补充一个宾语,选项中BC都和loan有关。文中提到学生可得到贷款,但low interest loan,很容易就能否定掉C选项。讲到贷款的作用时出现了to buy books,因此答案为A。
例2:Cambridge4 Test 3 Section 3 Question 24
Reading sessions help students to read
A. analytically
B. as fast as possible
C. thoroughly
解析:题目要求补充动词read的状语。文中提到get into the habit of analyzing material as you read it,说明在阅读过程中要做到边阅读边分析,因此A选项正确。
例3:Cambridge5 Test 3 Section 2 Question 19
The university accommodation officer will
A. send a list of agents for students to contact
B. contact accommodation agencies for students
C. ensure that students have suitable accommodation
解析:题目要求补充完整谓语成分,根据题目意思可知与解决住宿问题有关。原文中提到有许多租房中介,并且学校负责住宿的官员会代表学生与之联系:will deal with the agencies on your behalf,因此正确答案为C。
5. 考时间,地点,数字:这是非常细节的考题,尽管目标明确,但往往会有很多陷阱或者考生不熟悉的表达方式出现,所以读题时要注意干扰信息的方向的判断,在定位之后一定要仔细分辨信息。
例1:Cambridge4 Test 3 Section 3 Question 22
The “Study for Success” seminar lasts for
A.one day
B.two days
C.three days
解析:通过读题可发现可用“Study for Success” seminar来定位,原文提到时间时并没有直接说几天,而是讲出了具体哪几天:that’s on the first and second of February. 因此答案为2天,很容易忽略。
例2:Cambridge4 Test 4 Section 4 Question 38
Most sharks are caught in
解析:题目考季节,在原文中也提到了具体的月份—November to February,很容易选择冬天。但文章介绍的是澳大利亚的鲨鱼,属于南半球,季节正好与北半球相反,因此根据常识应选择夏天。
例3:Cambridge6 Test 4 Section 4 Question 32
Pictures of Asiatic lions can be seen on ancient coins from
B.The Middle East
解析:通过读题干可得知亚洲狮的形象是在银币上的,我们需要找出是哪国银币。听题过程中会发现三个地区都有听到,但都提到时只是再说这几个区域曾经有亚洲狮出现。之后有Greek coins出现,很显然应该选择A。
例4:Cambridge4 Test 2 Section 2 Question 19
The number of students counseled by the service last year was