Well, do you think people can tell you their real thoughts just through phone? Without person-to-person contact, it is unlikely for you to dig deep into theri minds and unlikely to get truth.
因为大部分情况下,英文采取首句为中心句的模式,段落其它部分是支持中心句的内容,所以听到首句就是主要意思,因此这种模式相对简单,但是考生也要能听出表示观点的词,比如赞成:support, be for..., go for..., be one the side of..., quite aree with..., 中立:mutual, just so so, you can try it, not the best, 反对:not good, be against..., not recommend..., better avoid..., 喜欢:be favor of, like, prefer, 一般态度:it's ok, but..., 不喜欢:dislike, 必须:must, it is necessary, 看情况:it depends, 没必要:not necessary等等。
Well, I don't think you should start with the case study too early unless you have made full preparation or you might find you can't meet the deadline. However, it really is the best approach you can try to get people's response though it is somewhat time-consuming. If you think you can spare your study time, just go for it.
由于句话出现don't think, 所以很多考生会潜意识将主题判定为否定的观点。然而,转折词however出现以后,则要特别小心接下来表达的内容,因为意思上会有强烈的转折,这里的it really is the best approach就是很大的一个转折,说明发言的人是持支持的态度的。此外,一句话是总结性的观点,一句just go for it非常清楚地再次表示其支持观点。
因此,在听观点题时不要被印象影响,一定要听后面的话是否有转折词,如果有,那么印象通常是不准的,转折词以后的内容才是判断或填写的依据。有些情况在还会有总结??以,当听到表转折的词,如however, but, nevertheless和表总结的词,如so,那么真正的观点应该马上就要出现了。