Give three reasons why the Yellow Plaque scheme was started
A. to boost tourism
B. to raise awareness of local history
C. to increase knowledge of famous people
D. for publicity
E. for architectural preservation
F. to raise national awareness
We have, at present, 130 plaques up in the city .The scheme has been great for tourism, but it was really started to raise awareness of the rich history of Sydney, both locally and nationally, and we think we've managed to do this. We also wanted to make people aware of the impressive list of important people who have lived in this city, and we've certainly achieved that. But that's not all. Although not part of our original aims, the scheme has also helped preserve some of the older and more important buildings in Sydney because people now know…
这道多选题很多同学只把关注点放在选项上了, 所以当听到音频中出现”tourism” 的时候, 就毫不犹豫地选A。但其实题干问的是Yellow Plaque scheme 开始的原因, 原文说的是这个scheme 对旅游业有好处。其实这道题的答案句中有一个非常明显的表示目的的逻辑信号词——to。It was really start to… (B 和F 选项)和we also wanted to…(C 选项)。还有很多同学这道题会误选到E 选项,因为后面音频中有提到 preserve some of the older and more important buildings,但事实上原文是说这个scheme 带来的影响,另外前面也说了它不是original aims。
本题的考点在于表示原因和目的的逻辑连接词,首先同学们在审题的时候就需要特别留意这样的信号,特别是当题干中出现reason, purpose, why等词的时候。其次就是要熟悉与之相关的逻辑连接词和培养耳朵对其发音的敏感度。
常见表示原因的信号词:because, for, since, as, due to… 常见表示目的的信号词:to, for, in order to, aim to…
另外和本题考点类似的真题可以参考“剑桥雅思真题集10”里的Test 2,Section 3 的多选题,同学们可以巩固练习一下。