2014雅思口语Part2话题范文a special meal
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    2014雅思口语Part2话题a special meal题目:

    Describe a special meal you would like to invite your friends to eat with you.

    You should say:

    who you would invite

    where you would eat this meal

    what you would eat

    and explain why you would choose to eat this food.

    2014雅思口语Part2话题范文a special meal

    Ok, well after thinking long and hard about it just now, I suppose the special meal I would have might be a bit like this…

    First of all, it would definitely be at my home, and I would be the one cooking, as I think this would be a lot better than just going out to some retaurant where we might not be able to fully enjoy ourselves. And the reason I say this is that whenever I’ve tried to have special meals at restaurants in the past, things have invariably gone wrong, such as waiters messing up the orders, or having to wait ages for the food to arrive, so from now on, I would much prefer to be in full control of everything, and I guess the best way of this happening would be to have the meal in my own home. Of course, it would be a bit more effort doing this, but I’m sure it would be much more enjoyable.

    So anyway, as for who I would invite, well, bearing in mind that my dining table at home only seats about six, I would only be able to invite a handful of friends, so I guess they would be the ones I’ve known the longest, and having them over for lunch or dinner would be a good way of showing my gratitude to them for all the support they’ve given me over the years.

    So, with that in mind, I would make sure that I cooked something really nice for them, and this would, most likely, be pasta in a tomato and cheese sauce, which I consider to be my best dish, as it really does taste amazingly good, if I may say so myself! So that would be the main course, and as for dessert, I would probably serve them chocolate cake, as I’m a bit of a chocoholic, along with maybe some ice cream and strawberries, just in case any of them didn’t like the cake.

    And this, in my books, would make a fantastic meal, which I’m sure my friends would all appreciate.

      上一篇:雅思口语Part2话题问题汇总:健康&网站 下一篇:2014年雅思口语Part2新话题卡:A Busy Time


