当你看到一个感兴趣的话题时,先google (任何英文的搜索引擎都ok,如aol, yahoo, bing...)无数页的搜索结果中,咱们只需要看第一页的前几个。把前几个都打开,看看哪个页面的排版看着顺眼,文章比较有条理。我推荐以bullet points架构的这种文章,比大段大段文字的看起来更一目了然。无论你在为一个everyday topic做阅读,还是为一个part2&3的话题做资料搜集,看2-3篇文章就足够啦。
Busted! These Are the 14 Biggest Myths About Black Friday
Every year, savvy shoppers find deep discounts online and in stores on Black Friday. Whether they're looking for the newest, most advanced tech device or the perfect outfit for New Year's Eve, buyers know retailers will offer some of their best deals during this time.
But are all the deals great? Do you have to shop online to find them? And do Black Friday sales even have to begin on Black Friday? We've addressed these questions, and quite a few more, in our list of the biggest myths about Black Friday. Brush up onsome shopping knowledge now, so you're well prepared for the upcoming deal season!
光看题目和文字介绍就能学到不少了。myths 是指杜撰出来的人事物或者想法,比如Contrary to popular myth, women are not worse drivers than men. 是不是雅思口语p3就用上啦。savvy shoppers这个表达方式在范例中常看到,再次遇到,不妨查字典再确认下意思和用法!brush up on sth,这一看就是phrasal verb嘛,原来我怎么不知道这么来说knowledge呢?查下字典就知道,原来brush up on sth & brush sth up 的意思是to quickly improve a skill, especially when you have not used it for a time。比如I must brush up on my Spanish before I go to Seville.