教程:雅思口语  浏览:608  
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      说了半天,小编带大家侃侃最近考试中常出现的高频话题"Fruits"。很多同学反映说这个话题在生活中非常熟悉,但是一到考场上,头脑中蹦出来的词无外乎是"apple", "pear","peach"或者"delicious"...那么到底如何玩转这个话题,说出的东西让考官“耳”前为之一亮呢?


      1. Do you like to eat fruit(s) and vegetables?

      2. What kind of fruit do you like?

      3. What’s your favorite fruit?

      4. Do you think people should eat more fruits and vegetables?

      5. What are the benefits for children from eating fruits and vegetables?

      6. How much fruit and vegetables do you think a person needs to stay healthy?


      Apricot 杏——常被加工成 (processed into)果脯 (dried fruit)

      Avocado 牛油果——并不是国内常吃的水果,但在西方的饮食文化中常常出现:比如带有牛油果的色拉,或者牛油果冰沙 (smoothies),有时也可作为装饰菜 (garnish)

      Blueberry 蓝莓——甜,有营养,而且广受欢迎 (sweet, nutritious and widely popular);富含著名的花青素,常吃可起到抗氧化的作用 (a good source of anthocyanin and have the highest antioxidant capacity)

      Coconut 椰子——夏天还可以吃到美味的椰子冻 (coconut jelly)

      Date 枣——维C含量最高(a good source of Vitamin C)

      Mangosteen 山竹——果实的形状比较特殊,像梨子的形状。新鲜的果实是雪白色,味甜而多汁,而且香味扑鼻 (the fruit is unique pear-shaped, snow-white, sweet and juicy; the flavour is tangy and fragrant)

      Pomegranate 石榴——外皮儿是微红色的,厚,不可食用;可食用的是里面的籽儿,而且籽儿长得也比较特殊,是那种像水包起来的果肉 (The reddish skin is thick and inedible, but there are hundreds of edible (可食用的) seeds inside; Each seed has a surrounding water-laden pulp)

      Why do we eat MORE fruits?

      从小,爸爸妈妈没少说:多吃蔬菜水果--有益健康。水果们酸酸甜甜的口感(sweet and sour)不仅能满足你的味蕾 (satisfy your taste buds),也藏着身体最需要的各种能量。

      -- 好吃多汁scrumptious and succulent

      -- 增强免疫力,医生医生远离我boosts your immune system and keeps your disease free

      The health benefits of fruits guarantee you optimum health and a well-built body in the long run. The combination of powerful minerals, vitamins, antioxidants, flavonoids and the countless nutrients make fruits very advantageous for your health. The daily consumption of fresh fruits lowers the risk of strokes/ high blood pressure/ indigestion/ cancer/ heart disease/ diabetes/ and other chronic diseases.



      If you've ever smelled a durian even once, you probably remember it.

      Regarded by many people in Southeast Asia as the notorious "king of fruits", the durian is distinctive for its large size, strong odour, and formidable thorn-covered husk.

      The fruit's flesh is sometimes eaten raw, or is cooked and used to flavour a number of dishes and candies.

      Some people regard the durian as having a pleasantly sweet fragrance; others find the aroma overpowering with an unpleasant odour.It smells like shit and tastes like farts...and gym socks. The smells evokes reactions from deep appreciation to intense disgust.

      For whatever reason, people continue to be drawn to durian.

      To durian lovers, the taste is mildly sweet, almondy and very creamy, not unlike a rich cheesecake. It has a whiff of alcohol about it, which explains why eating it gives you this hot feeling inside--like you've downed a shot of vodka.

      You either hate it, or you love it. Intensely.


      Kinds of fruits:

      Blackberry 黑莓

      Blackcurrant 黑加仑

      Cherry 樱桃

      Cranberry 蔓越莓


      Dragon fruit 火龙果

      Fig 无花果

      Grape 葡萄

      Grapefruit 葡萄柚

      Goji berry 枸杞

      Honeydew melon 白兰瓜(伊丽莎白瓜)

      Kiwi fruit 猕猴桃

      Lemon 柠檬


      Longan 龙眼

      Mango 芒果

      Mulberry 桑葚;深紫色

      Nectarine 油桃

      Orange 橙子

      Plum 李子

      Peach 桃

      Pear 梨

      Pineapple 菠萝

      Papaya 木瓜

      Raspberry 树莓

      Star fruit 杨桃

      Strawberry 草莓

      Tangerine 橘子

      Tamarind 酸角

      Watermelon 西瓜

      Words Related to Fruits:

      Seed 种子

      Peel 果皮

      Stalk 茎;梗;柄e.g.celery stalks 芹菜茎

      Flesh 果肉

      Segment 瓣 e.g. Orange segments 橘子瓣

      Pit 果核 e.g. A peach pit 桃核

      上一篇:雅思口语:An English Class 下一篇:雅思口语:art and culture“弄潮儿”养成记


