1. a place with a lot of water
2. a place by the seaside
3. a historic sight
4. a hotel
5. a park
6. a garden
7. an ideal house
8. an interesting building
9. a library
笔者在教学过程中发现,考生在备考过程中,虽然觉得这类话题简单,但是描述时却总是说不清楚,或者连接词使用不当。综合起来问题大致有二:1. 学生不会使用正确地道的连接词;2. 描述杂乱无章,难以理解。
根据雅思口语评分的Fluency标准,针对学生出现的以上问题,笔者在教学中采用了利用剑桥听力练口语的方法。众所周知,剑桥听力的Section 2为个人独白,且时常出现旅游等场景;而这些场景中往往也会出现按顺序描述事件的相应内容。因此,在准备口语考试的时候,建议考生可以灵活应用剑桥雅思听力的材料,提高自己的口语水平。
剑7 Test 4的Section 2为旅游场景,并对一个景点进行了描述。以下为相对应的听力原文(笔者根据需要重新分了段,并请注意划线部分):
Well, here we are at the top of The Tower, and we are going to look at the view from each direction.
Out to the east, the large buildings about a kilometer away are on the Olympic site. There’s an indoor arena for gymnastics, a stadium for track and field a swimming pool for races and synchronized swimming and also diving. If you look carefully down there, your can see the train lines. The Olympic site has its own station to encourage the use of public transport. There’s also a car park, but it only holds a limited number of cars.
The formal park has some specially-created water features. If you look here to the south, you can see a circular ornamental pond.
And around to the west, you can relax and sit on a bench to smell the flowers in the rose garden.
And finally up to the north, if you look in front of you now, there’s a lake with a small island in the centre, you can hire rowing boats at the boat shed, which you can’t see from here. But if you look through the trees, you can see the café, which has lovely views across the water. OK, let’s climb down now. We will go now and have a look at the nature reserve section of the park, which has opened up natural wetland to the public.
1. 东南西北式:典型例子可见剑7 Test 4的Section 2(具体分析见上)。整个图以某个塔为中心,按照东、南、西、北的顺时针方向进行描述,每一步描述时都有相关的连接词,表达明晰合理。
2. 从南到北式:剑6 Test 3 Section 2描述的Rose Garden的地图,整体为从南向北的一条直路,同时分别描述路两旁的景点。这种描述的特点是清楚明确,且不会遗漏掉任何需要描述的地点。