the main reason is that...
例句:I started reading fiction novels regularly when I was a primary school student. The main reason is that they are educational and entertaining.
mainly because...
例句:People like to watch games mainly because they can enrich our leisure time.
the only reason...
例句:The only reason that I find singing interesting is that I can always renew my friendship by singing karaoke with my friends.
on account of...
例句:On account of my allergies, I don’t play many outdoor sports in the spring and summer.
有的考生会问:“是不是只要我掌握了各种句式,成绩就一定会飞速提高呢?” 其实也不一定。关键是要看考生用完套句(各种句式)之后自己的语言表述。有的考生在考试中句式用得很漂亮,但是所用的套句之外的自己的语言却是漏洞百出。这样一来,两者形成了鲜明的反差, 考官也就能一眼看出哪些是考生专门背过的,哪些是考生自己现场说的。因此,对于程度较好的考生来说,套句的学习能使得他的雅思口语考试成绩有很大的飞跃,而对于程度较低的考生来说,套句学习的同时还要结合自己语言能力(包括基本语法和基本词汇)的提高,这样才能最大限度地发挥套句的作用。
另外一个大家要关注的就是模板问题。跟雅思写作一样,模板的使用对于那些语言实力不是很强的考生来说有比较大的帮助。大家以前所知道的模板是“some people..., other people... But I think...”这种类型的。而本书所提倡的模板并不是这种样式的。我所说的模板是思路以及对答案的拓展方式。这样的“模板”一旦学会了,不论考生英语程度的好坏,都可以让考生在考试中处于不败之地,因为考生一直可以有话说,有了思路就有内容,有了内容就可以一直说。所以思维方式的模板是大家要努力学习的!那么,这种模板的具体形式是什么呢?请看以下的例子:
Q: Is it dangerous for people to spend too much time on hobbies?
A: It depends. If we do a lot of entertaining indoor and outdoor activities, we can develop not only our spirit but also our physical body. But if we overindulge in hobbies and neglect our many social responsibilities, the result could be harmful.
Q: Do you think hobbies are beneficial to social life?
A: Yes. I think hobbies are a meaningful aspect of social life. People will engage in the activities they take a fancy to(喜爱)and have fun together, thus they can enjoy a life full of social activities(社会活动)and make friends with whomever they share interests with.
Furthermore, taking up certain hobbies like weaving(编织)or carving(雕刻)can even yield/produce financial profit(产生经济效益).