1. an expensive thing you bought 买的贵重物品
2. a gift you want to buy for your friend 一个你希望买的礼物
3. A foreign movie you like 一个喜欢的外国电影
4. A kind of book you usually read 你喜欢看的书类型
5. Educational television program 教育节目
6. A musical instrument 一种乐器
7. Photograph of yourself 自己的照片
8. Describe the good part of your personality说说自己性格的优点
9. A song reminds you of a particular time in your life 让你想起一段时光的歌曲
10. a photograph you like 一张你喜欢的照片
11. a vehicle you want to buy 你想买的交通工具
12. a foreign food you want to try你想尝试的一种国外的食物
13. your favorite newspaper/magazine 你喜欢的报刊杂志
14. the kind of clothes you would like to wear 你喜欢的衣服类型