What are the advantages and disadvantages of tourism?
That's an interesting question!
I think there are both advantages and disadvantages.
In terms of advantages, tourism helps to boost the local economy and provides jobs. In Thailand, for example, the tourist industry is incredibly important. Many people are employed in the hospitality sector, working in hotels, restaurants and so on. They can earn a living and provide for their family, and they don’t necessarily need to move away from their hometown.
However, there are drawbacks. In order to accommodate an influx of tourists there can be overdevelopment which impacts on the environment negatively. Land is cleared to construct hotels, with trees being cut down and animals losing their natural habitat.
So there are pros and cons.
in terms of ... 关于、至于...
boost the local economy 促进地区经济发展
provide jobs 提供工作机会
incredibly important 至关重要
be employed in ... 受雇于...
hospitality sector 服务业
earn a living 谋生
provide for the family 养家糊口
necessarily 一定、必须
drawback 缺点
accommodate ... 容纳...
influx of ... ...的涌入
overdevelopment 过度开发
land is cleared 土地被清除
natural habitat 自然栖息地
pros and cons 好处和坏处