When the examiner asks this question, moststudents simply answer that they are fine, but this is boring!Everyone says thesame: it’s not original, and it’s too short!You are missing a great opportunityto show the “laowai” your English is much better than this!
当考官询问这个问题时,许多学生只是简单地回答:“I’m fine, thank you."这太枯燥了! 每个人的回答都一样,缺乏创意,并且太短!你失去了一个很好的机会来向这些 “老外”展示你的英文水平远好于此!
In order to be interesting and to givedetails,you need to develop your answers. ALWAYS GIVE MORE info, and beprecise. CONNECT YOUR SENTENCES with these linking words:
为了让你的回答具有趣味性,且详细,你需要对你的回答内容加以拓展。始终要多提供信息,要准确。用以下的连接词把你的句子连接起来。...and......but... ...so...
I’m fine, thank you, and you?
I’m doing well, thank you. But I must admitthat I feel a bit nervous(=stressed=tense). because this is my first tunetaking this test, and it is extremely important to me.
...and... ...but... ...so...
How are you?(=How are you doing?) =YOU AREBORING!
For most IELTS questions, you will havemore than one thing to say. LEARN HOW TO USE:
...in addition...
...on top of this... ...as a result......however...
...on the other hand... ...although...
=and what’s more...
=so... =but =but =but
I love my hometown for many reasons.Firstof all, I was born and raised here and all of my relatives and most of myfriends live here. So I feel at ease in Fuzhou. In addition, I find the weatherhere in the south very pleasant because it’s warm all year round. On top ofthis, the food here is stunning. It’s a mix of colors and flavors.It’s sotasty. I highly recommend the sea food to you!And although many people complainabout the traffic, I know it’s not as bad as in many other cities, and they’reworking on building a subway here. However, it won’t be ready before another 8years, but the city is definitely modernizing.