My mother often forgets her birthday. √
一般过去时。用“yesterday,...ago, last...”时,要用一般过去时。学习不规则动词。
In high school,I stayed in a boardingschool. √
I’m a little homesick. ×
I WAS a little homesick!!!√
.more better ×
The chocolate cake is (much) better thanthe apple pie in this restaurant. √
.People is...×
In China some people are very traditional!√
·Women is...× Women are moremeticulous. √
Jeremy is a foreigner (noun).√
I like to watch foreign (adjective)programs. √ foreigner programs ×
.he/she, him/her.
.How to say? ×
“How to say?”是中式英语。英语中要说“What’s the word?”或“What is it?”。·must to ×
I must do my homework. √ I must TO do...×
·should to...×
They should study more!√
·I will go TO there. × I will go there. √
I will go TO Xiamen. √
.Germany/German; Japan/Japanese;France/French Compared to that country, Japan offers a good welfare system. √He’s from France:he’s French!√
A parent must responsibility for his child.×
A teacher should take responsibility forhis/her students. He must be responsible for them. √
·to communicate/communication
The telephone is a great tool tocommunication. ×
The telephone is a great tool forcommunication. √
Parents find it difficult to communicationwith their child. × Parents find it difficult to communicate with their child.√
If we talk more, we can know each otherbetter. ×
...we could GET TO know each otherbetter.(=better English) √ If I study abroad, I can know more about my major. ×
...I could learn more.../... I could get toknow... √
·It could be happen ×
It could happen!Anything’s possible!√
·In North ×
In the North, the weather is usuallycolder! √
In Northern China the weather is... √
For the holiday I’m going to go up North(=towards the Northern regions). √·country/city
Students often say "France is abeautiful city." × (It’s a country.) or "Fujian is a greatcity." × (It’s a province!)
·in there ×
My parents live in Fuzhou. They have a jobthere. (NOT "in there"!)need/require
The job needs them to stay in the city.)(Their job requires them to stay in the city (although they’d rather live inthe countryside). √
Basketball is fun!(NOT "funny"!Afunny thing will make you smile or laugh.)
篮球无“interesting”可言,而比赛可以“interesting”,因为比赛的最后 2 分钟精彩无比。 interesting=you want to know more=suspenseful!
·most of foreigners... ×
Most foreigners wouldn’t dare to trychicken feet. √ Most women want a rich husband. √
Most foreigners in Fuzhou cannot speakChinese. √
·It’s depend ×
It depends on many things. √ (Pronounce the“s”!)
·In nowadays... ×
Nowadays people’s lives are fast paced. √
·He speaks English good. × He speaks goodEnglish! √ He speaks English well!√
·My English is not well. ×
My English is not good. √
My English is not as good as it should be.√
.interesting/interested; boring/bored Theteacher is boring. I feel bored! √·Our China, our Chinese... ×
There are a lot of foreign companies inFujian. That’s a good thing because it offers more job opportunities to usChinese people. √
.to compete/competitive (adjective)
Getting into Xiamen University is verycompetitive. √ High-school students must compete against each other to enrol. √
.memory/to memorize
My memory is not very good. I don’t knowhow I will memorize 100 new words for the English exam. √
·success/succeed/ successful
a success person ×
a successful person √
Failure is the mother of success. √
·His father is died. ×
His father died. His father is dead. √
.for myself/by myself
I like to work by myself(=on my own).√ formyself(=for my own benefit/profit)
I work for myself.=I’m my own boss.