剑7 TEST 3 Passage 2 E段第一句话:“How far does other research support these conclusions?”,根据这句话,我们可以猜想到:这段话下面的内容肯定是讲“其他研究是如何来支持这些结论的”,所以第一句就是这段话的“中心句”,它与“List of Heading”中的“vi: Further genetic evidence relating to the three-wave theory”意思相对应,所以这段话的段意是“vi”。
剑7 TEST 1 Passage 2 G段第一句话:“What explains this remarkable turn of events?”,根据这句话,我们可以猜想到下面的内容肯定是对“his remarkable turn of events”的解释,对照文章后发现,从第二句话开始讲:“Two factors: people have figured out how to use water more efficiently, ...”,这很明显是对第一句的延伸,所以第一句话是这段话的中心句,它所对应的Heading是:“ii: An explanation for reduced water use”。
剑7 TEST 3 Passage 2 A段首二句:“Study of the origins and distribution of human populations used to be based on archaeological and fossil evidence. A number of techniques developed since the 1950s, however, have placed the study of these subjects on a sounder and more objective footing.”,这段第二句出现了转折句,说明是这段话的中心句,和“Heading”中的“iv: Developments in the methods used to study early population movements”完全对应,而且题目和文章之间出现了同义替换:“Heading”中的“developments”和“methods”分别对应文章中的“developed”和“techniques”。
剑9 TEST 1 Passage 2 C段第一句话:“Even when we make these assumptions, our understanding of other life forms is still severely limited.”根据这句话我们可以猜到:上一段话肯定是作了很多假设(assumptions),而这一段讲:即使我们做出这些假设,我们对于其他生命形式的理解依然受到了限制。所以根据这句话,我们可以找到上一段话的“Heading”是:“iv: Assumptions underlying the search for extra-terrestrial intelligence”。