教程:雅思阅读  浏览:531  
  • 提示:点击文章中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
      “雅思语言”是雅思考官们在设置题目的时候的一种出题思路,通过英语的语言形式给体现出来,这就是“雅思语言”。如果你熟悉了“雅思语言”,也就了解雅思出题的套路。在了解雅思出题套路之后,再去做题,就不再是无目的的刷题,  但是“雅思语言”最直接最简单粗暴的呈现方式,当然也是雅思考试中最常见的一种出题方式,这种很多时候一一对应的出题模式,考生会在填空类的题目中见得比较多,在填空类的题目中考生只要能够识别空格前后实词的同义替换,往往就可以轻松找到答案。


      题目:Children of average ability seem to need more direction from teachers because they do not have _______.

      原文:There appears to be a qualitative difference in the way the intellectually highly able think, compared with more average-ability or older pupils, for whom external regulation by the teacher often compensates for lack of internal regulation.

      这个题目原文的句子对于有些考生来讲,应该难度挺难,不太好理解,但是,只要你注意并且识别同义替换, do not have= lack of,这样就可以做出答案了,答案是:internal regulation.


      举例1:关于一件事情或观点,95%的人agree, 5%的disagree。 如果你能这样改:Themajority of people agree..., 说明你的词汇量还是很不错的。但是,雅思考官的“雅思语言”很可能是这样呈现的: The overwhelming consensus is that....


      举例2:关于一个发展变化:such developments have been criticised as..., but the success of other similar development suggests that the majority of the public does not share this opinion.

      如果要改写这句话,雅思考官会这样改写的:Mixed views on the the change... 这里的mixed views到下次改写的时候,还有可能被考官改写成:conflicting views, 或是 opposing views about sth.

      举例3:原文: We may envy geniuses’ achievement and fame, but we should also recognize the price they have paid in terms of perseverance, single-mindedness, dedication, restrictions on their personal lives, the demands upon their energies and time, and how often they had to display great courage to preserve their integrity or to make their way to the top.

      你以为考官在改写的时候,会一个词一个词的把上面的句子都改写一遍吗?当然不会,你以为雅思考官傻吗?雅思考官的“雅思语言”直接这样:Geniuses often pay a high price to achieve greatness. 这是一种类似summary样的同义替换方式,“雅思语言”的这个特点,你get到了吗?

      “雅思语言”不熟悉,是导致考生地位不准出现错误的原因。如:California has replaced a range of firefighting tools. (判断题)

      这个判断题很多考生判断为NOT GIVEN,因为考生在文中读烂也没有发现tools这个词,就判断为NG。文中是有对应点的,“雅思语言”是这样呈现的:California state promises to provide more up-to-date engines, planes, and helicopters to fight fires have been fulfilled.题目中的firefighting tools其实考官同义替换了engines, planes, and helicopters 这些可以灭火的工具,这是一种上下义词之间的同义替换,“雅思语言”的这个特点,需要大家多加注意哦。

      上一篇:雅思阅读同义替换的几种常见形式 下一篇:如何选择雅思阅读判断题定位词


