- Whoo-hoo! - Go!
Run, Forrest! 跑,弗勒斯!
Now, it used to be 我到哪都是要跑着去
I ran to get where I was going.
I never thought it would take me anywhere . 从未想到会跑出名堂来
Who in the hell is that? 那是谁?
That there is Forrest Gump, Coach. 教练,那是弗勒斯甘
Just a local idiot. 是镇上的白痴
And can you believe it ?
I got to go to college, too. 信不信由你 我居然也升上大学
Run! 弗勒斯…跑!
O.K. !
Run, you stupid son of a bitch! Run! 跑!你这混小子,跑!
Run, son of a bitch, run! Go! Run! 混小子,跑!…
Run! Run! Go! 跑!转弯!跑!
(Whistle Blows)
He must be the stupidest son of a bitch alive , 他也许是最笨的混小子
but he sure is fast. 但肯定跑得最快
Now, maybe it’s just me, 也许是我的问题
but college was very confusing times. 但总觉得大学越念越糊涂
Federal troops, enforcing a court order, 联邦派军队强制执行 法院命令
in tegrated the University of Alabama today. 使阿拉巴马大学黑白同校
Two Negroes were admitted, 两名黑人获准入学
but only after Go vern or George Wallace 华里斯州长挡在校门口 做了象徵性的示威
had carried out his symbolic threat
to stand in the school house door.
I take it from that statement... 华里斯州长 你不服从法院命令
Earl, what’s going on? 厄尔,怎么回事?
Coons are trying to get into school. “浣熊”要进入学校
Coons? When raccoons tried getting on our back porch, 浣熊?浣熊若跑上后廊
Mama just chased them off with a broom. 我妈就拿扫帚驱赶
Not raccoons, you idiot. Niggers . 笨蛋,不是真浣熊,是指黑人
And they want to go to school with us. 他们要跟我们同校
With us? They do? 跟我们同校?真的吗?
(TV Reporter) Shortly after Govern or Wallace 华里斯州长如他所说挡住校门
had carried out his promise to block the door way,
Kennedy ordered these cretary of defense to use military force. 甘尼迪总统令国防部长用武力
Here, by video tape, is the encounter 国民兵司令葛拉汉将军
by General Graham, commander of the National Guard,
and Govern or Wallace. 与华里斯州长交锋
are here today as federal soldiers for Alabama,
and they live within our borders. 是本州的乡亲子弟
They are our brothers.
We are winning in this fight, 这场抗争我们占上风
because we are awakening the American people 我们唤醒美国人
to the dangers that we have spoken about so many times 认清我们曾多次强调的危机
that is so evident today- - 今天明显的看到
A trend to ward military dictatorship in this country. 军方有独裁的倾向
And so, at day’s end, 抗争一天,阿拉巴马大学让步
the University of Alabama in Tuscaloosa had been desegregated,
and students Jimmy Hood and Vivian Malone 开放给黑人
Ma’am, you dropped your book. 小姐,你的书掉了,小姐…
(Chet Huntley) Govern or Wallace did what he promised. 华里斯州长照他的承诺到校园
By being on the Tuscaloosa campus, he kept the mob... 防止了群众集结消灭一场暴力
Say, wasn’t that Gump? 那不是阿甘吗?
Naw, that couldn’t be. 不可能
It sure as hell was. 天,就是他
(Gump) A few years later, 几年之后
that angry little man at the school house door 挡校门的那个小怒汉
thought it’d be a good idea and ran for president. 觉得选总统是好主意
But somebody thought that it wasn’t. 可是也有人说不好
But he didn’t die.
My bus is here . 我的巴士来了!
Is it the number 9? 是不是九路车?
No, it’s the number 4. 不是,四路车!
It was nice talking to you. 和你谈话很愉快
I remember when that happened, 我记得那件事
when Wallace got shot.
I was in college. 华里斯遇刺时我正在念大学
Did you go to a girls’ college
or a girls’ and boys’ together college? 你念女子大学还是男女合校
It was coed. -是男女合校 -珍妮上的大学我不能念
’Cause Jenny went to a college I couldn’t go to.
It was a college just for girls. 只收女生!
But I’d go and visit her every chance I got. 不过我一有空就去看她