Not my cup of tea, 不是我的菜,不合我口味。
All that and a bag of chips,非常好的,完美的
Too hot to handle, 驾驭不了 Classical music is not my cup of tea!
I love Emma Watson; she is all that and a bag of chips! 我好喜欢Emma Watson!她真的是太完美了!
Too hot to handle 意思是驾驭不了。可以解释为一件事情太棘手没法驾驭,也可以解释为某人太性感撩人,让人无法驾驭。
This case is too hot to handle; I don't think I can deal with it.
The cheer captain in my school is too hot to handle.
我们学校的啦啦队长真是太性感撩人了 。
-Hey Baijie, I just watched "Mr. and Mrs. Smith" again; this movie is all that and a bag of chips!
Hey 白洁,我刚才又看了一遍"史密斯夫妇",这部电影真是太完美了!
-What? No. That movie is totally not my cup of tea.
- Fine fine fine, but don't you think Angelina Jolie is super hot?
好吧好吧,不过你难道不觉得Angelina Jolie很性感吗?
-Well, I have to admit that. She's too hot to handle