Do my thing - 我行我素
I'm gonna do my thing! - 我就要我行我素!
I'ma do my thing! - 我就是我行我素!
Please feel free to hate and complain. -- 随便你羡慕嫉妒恨。
Say what you like because this one ain't gonna change.
I'ma do my thing! - 我就是我行我素!
A:Baijie, take those geeky glasses off! They make you look a nerd!
B:I don't care if you like it or not. I'm still gonna do my thing.
That's how I roll! - 我就这样!
生活大爆炸中的Leonard为万圣节装扮成霍比特人。而传说中霍比特人都住在一个叫夏尔国(the Shire)的地方。所以他在亲吻Penny后对Penny的现任男友说:"You saw what you saw. That's how we roll in the Shire. 你看到了吧,咱们在夏尔国就是这个风格!"
A: Baijie why are you wearing that hat?
B: 'Cause this is just how I roll!
B: 因为我就是这样!
A: Baijie why do you have a pet monkey?
B: 'Cause this is just how I roll!
B: 因为我就是这样!
I roll like that - 我就这样。
A: Oh my god, Baijie, did you drink all these Red Bulls?
A: 我的天,白洁,你把这么多瓶红牛都喝完了?
B: Yeah. This is my fifth one.
B: 是啊,这是我的第五瓶了。
A: But why?
A: 为什么?
B: I roll like that during finals week.
B: 一到期末考试这个星期我就这样。