Cool story bro. 呵呵,真有意思。
Cool story bro,听上去像是在夸奖对方的叙述很棒,实际含义却是:无语了,你别说了,我根本不关心
So this morning I picked out the orange cardigan but it didn't go with my green pants so I went back to my closet and picked out a black one, then I thought oh maybe I should make some coffee but I actually made a smoothie instead..Omigod I really couldn't make up my mind..
今天早上我本来穿着一件橙色的开襟毛衣,结果发现和我的绿裤子不配,所以我去衣柜换了一件黑色的,然后我想做咖啡吧, 但是最后我还是做了杯冰沙。天啊我真是拿不定主意
Cool story, bro.
True story 真实的故事
Barney Stinson: When I get sad, I stop being sad and be awesome instead, true story
Well... When I get sad, I eat 10 bags of chips and cry alone in bed. True story.
好吧,当我伤心的时候,我会吃10包薯片然后一个人躲在被子里哭。 真事。
Story of my life我的悲催人生啊!
I can't believe I procrastinated my homework again! Now I have to pull an all-nighter to finish it. Ugh...Story of my life.
我真不敢相信我又拖作业了,现在我要熬夜去做了。哎, 我的悲催人生啊!