newbie - 新手,菜鸟
I just started using Weixin a few days ago. I'm still a newbie.
rookie mistake 低级错误
rookie mistake字面理解就是新手才犯的错误,也就是我们常说的低级错误
A: I thought there was something wrong with my camera. 我以为我的照相机坏了。 But then I realized I forgot to take the lens cap off. 结果发现是我忘记开镜头盖。Now I feel stupid. 我怎么那么二啊。
B: hahaha That's hilarious. What a rookie mistake!
哈哈哈。太搞笑了。 这么低级的错误你也犯!
amateur hour - 形容某件事情做的很业余,不够专业,不够给力。
A: Baijie! You are late!
B: Oh Ms. Smith, I forgot we had a meeting today.
A: What is this, amateur hour?!
B: I'm so sorry for making such a rookie mistake!
犯这么低级的错误, 真是不好意思。
beginner's luck - 初学者的好运气
Ryan hit a strike the first time he went bowling. Either he's a natural, or it's just beginner's luck.
Ryan第一次打保龄球就全中! 要么他天生就适合玩这个,不然就是初学者的好运气。