I mean, I'm not that friend. I mean, we... I could be. 我不是你的男友 虽然我可以当你的男友
I feel good 哇,我好爽!
Just pop the hood. 把引擎盖打开
Stupid. Shut up, shut up, shut up. 蠢毙了,闭嘴!闭嘴...
You've got a high-rise double-pump carburetor. 这是双帮浦的高级化油器
Whoa, nice headers. 好棒的引擎哦
That's pretty impressive, Sam. 你真有一套
Double-pump? 双帮浦?
It squirts the fuel in so you can go faster. 可以让你的车子开得更快
I like to go faster. 我喜欢开快车
And it looks like your distributor cap's a little loose. 不过分电盘盖好像有点松
Yeah? How'd you know that? 是吗?你怎么知道?
My dad. He was a real grease monkey. He taught me all about this. 我老爸是修车技师,这都是他教我的
I could take it all apart, clean it, put it back together. 我可以把引擎拆掉再重组
That's weird. I just wouldn't peg you for mechanical. 真厉害,没想到你这么懂车子
Oh, my God. Well, you know, I don't really broadcast it. 我不太喜欢炫耀
Guys don't like it when you know more about cars than they do. 男生不喜欢女生比他们更懂车子
Especially not Trent. He hates it. 尤其是崔特,他很不喜欢
Yeah, no, I'm cool with, you know, females working on my engine. 我不介意女生替我搞引擎
- Okay. You want to fire it up for me? - Oh, yeah, yeah, no problem. 你去启动引擎 好,没问题
I prefer it, actually. 其实我比较喜欢这样
- Thanks. - You know, I was thinking. 我在想
You know, if Trent's such a jerk, why do you hang out with him? 如果崔特是个大烂人 你干嘛跟他在一起?
You know what? I'm just... I'm gonna walk. 这样吧,我要走路回家
Good luck with your car. 祝你好运
All right. 好吧
Walking's healthy, right? 走路有益健康
Oh, God, no, no, no, no, no, no. 不是吧...拜托
Come on, please. Please, you gotta work for me now. 你一定要帮忙,别让她走掉
Don't let her walk away. Come on, come on, come on. Please, please. 快点...拜托...
Baby come back 回来吧,宝贝
any kind of fool could see 傻子都看得出来
Hey! 嘿!
There was something in everything about you 你对我有致命吸引力
Baby come back you can blame it all on me 回来吧,宝贝
Hey! 这全都是我的错
Wait a second! 等一下
I was wrong and I just can't live without you 没有你,我活不下去
There it is. 你家到了
I had fun. So, you know, thanks for listening. 我今天很开心,谢谢你听我说话
- Oh, yeah, yeah. - You... You think I'm shallow? 没问题 你会觉得我很肤浅吗?
I think you're... No, no, no. 当然不会,我觉得...
I think there's a lot more than meets the eye with you. 我觉得眼见不一定为凭,尤其是你
Okay. 好吧
Yeah. 没错
All right, I'll see you at school. 咱们学校见吧
All right. 好
That's stupid. 我真蠢
That was a stupid line. 那句话真蠢
"There's more than meets the eye with you." Stupid. “眼见不一定为凭”,有够蠢
Oh, God. 哦,上帝
Oh, my God. I love my car. 我超爱我的车
Hey, guys, I think the other team figured it out. Iran. 大伙儿,我听说另一组查出来了 敌方是伊朗
Come on, man. This is way too smart for Iranian scientists. 拜托,伊朗科学家没这么聪明
- Think about it. - What do you think, kid? Chinese? 你自己想想看 你觉得呢?中国?
No way. This is nothing like what the Chinese are using. 中国不可能用这种技术
This is Air Force One. Level of flight, level three-three-zero. 空军一号,高度3万3千英尺
We will hunt down this enemy. And when we do, 我们会猎捕敌人
we'll know just what to do with them. 找到了就会予以反击
- Thank you. - You're welcome. - 谢谢 - 不客气
Apparently, there are very few survivors. 很明显,幸存者很少
Yes, Mr. President? 是的,总统先生?
Yeah, can you wrangle me up some Ding Dongs, darling? 帮我拿一些巧克力奶油蛋糕
I joined the Air Force to bring the man Ding Dongs. I'll be in storage. 我加入空军是为了负责替总统拿蛋糕 我会在储藏舱
Shoot. 该死
Gross. 好恶心