Catherine今天来公司上班啦 不幸的是 她第一天就迟到了 不过幸好 老板没有发现 同事告诉她 以后要小心 尽量不要再迟到了 并对她说 The boss laid down the law today catherine 心想 这里的law应该不是指法律 而这里的规章制度吧 为了以防万一 她问了问同事 确认了一下
Jack: You'd better watch out.The boss laid down the law today.
Jack: 你最好当心点 老板今天立下了规矩
Catherine:Does the law mean the rules in this company ?I'm not very sure about it
Catherine: 你说的LAW是指这里的规章制度吗?我不太确定这个
Jack: Yes ,you are right .The boss is very strict with us .Don't be late for work next time.
Jack: 对,你说的对。这里的老板非常严格 下次上班别再迟到了
The boss laid down the law today老板今天立下了规矩
laid down the law 制定法律 这是最容易理解的字面意思 但是它在不同的情形下有不同的意思 比如在此处the boss laid down the law就要理解为 老板立下了规矩
Colleague:The boss laid down the law today.Anyone who is late for work will be fired ! So you'd better be careful.
Carl:Thank you for the advice.