Professor: Kevin and Emily are friends. They have come home from college for the holiday, and are talking about their relationships at school.
Emily: Hi Kevin, how was your year at college?
Kevin: It was great! How was your year?
Emily: It was good. Do you have a girlfriend at school?
Kevin: Yes, I'm dating someone. Her name is Amanda.
Professor: That's right, Winnie. If you have a boyfriend or a girlfriend, you can say that you're dating someone.
哦, 如果我有男朋友,就可以说"I have a boyfriend"或者说"I'm dating someone"。那我现在没有男朋友,该怎么说呢?
Professor: Then you can say that "I'm single."
哦,"I'm single"就是说我没恋爱,还是只身一人。
Professor: That's right, Winnie. Now let's hear how Kevin met his girlfriend.
Emily: How did you meet your girlfriend?
Kevin: I met Amanda through a friend.
Emily: That's great. Did you start dating right after you met, or did you become friends first?
Kevin: We started dating right away.
Professor: Winnie, did you hear where Kevin met his girlfriend?
他们是通过朋友介绍认识的,而且立刻开始约会! 不知道他们交往多久了。
Professor: Well, let's listen and find out!
Emily: When did you and Amanda meet each other?
Kevin: I met her about one year ago.
Emily: So you met her right after you got to school?
Kevin: That's right. We've been dating since last September.
他们俩人从去年九月开始约会,这么说他们在一起一年了! 看起来他们对这份感情还挺认真的。
Professor: That's right, Winnie. They sound like a serious couple.
Emily: So you said you and Amanda met through a mutual friend. How did it happen?
Kevin: Well, my roommate was friends with Amanda, so he introduced us.
Emily: Did he tell you what she was like first?
Kevin: Yes, he described her to me, and she sounded like my type.
Professor Bowman, Kevin说Amanda听起来是他的"type," 这是什么意思?
Professor: Your "type" is the kind of person that you like to date.
哦,原来your type就是你喜欢的那种人。Kevin的室友一跟Kevin描述Amanda, Kevin就觉得,这个女孩正是他心目中的理想女友!
Emily: So Kevin, what is your type?
Kevin: I like girls who like to have fun, and aren't too serious.
Emily: I agree. I like guys that can make me laugh.
Kevin: That's true. Having a very serious boyfriend or girlfriend can be boring.
Professor: Yes, they both like people who like to have fun and make them laugh.
Professor: Let's listen and find out.
Emily: How did you first meet?
Kevin: My roommate invited both of us to dinner.
Emily: Was it love at first sight? Did you fall in love with her the first time you met her?
Kevin: Yes! The first time I saw her I knew we would fall in love.
果然是一见钟情! 好浪漫哦! 不过,还多亏了Kevin室友这个月下佬帮忙!
Professor: That's true, Winnie! Match people are important! Do you know computers now can work as match makers?
哦, 您说的是专门替人找对象的网站吧! 的确,很多人现在用这种online dating来寻找伴侣,只要在电脑上输入your "type", 电脑就会帮你找到你的另一半。不过真交往起来并不一定合适。
Professor: That's true. Winnie, we've heard a lot about Kevin's relationship. Now let's find out about Emily.
Kevin: What about you, Emily? Have you dated anyone recently?
Emily: I started to date someone recently, but it didn't work out.
Kevin: That's too bad. What happened?
Emily: Well ... that's a long story.
唉, 可怜的Emily,最近交了个男朋友,可后来却分手了。怎么会这样呢?
Professor: Let's listen next time and find out!