A: Hello! 欢迎大家来到这期的美语训练班! 我是杨琳!
B: 我是Kat! 杨琳,今天咱们学什么呢?
A:好! 今天,咱们跟科技发烧友去买最新的电子产品,听听世界各地不同的文化,学学怎么坦白从宽,还要告诉大家怎么用美语说“毛骨悚然”。
B: 毛骨悚然?? 你是说动物吗? Who you are calling an animal?
A: 哈哈哈! 不是不是! 等会你听了节目就明白了! 不过现在,咱们先赶快来进入第一个单元,Learn a Word!
Learn A Word Mince words
今天我们要学的词是mince words. Mince is spelled m-i-n-c-e; and words w-o-r-d-s; mince words. Mince 是切碎,to mince words 就是把话说得婉转。这个短语通常用在否定句里,not to mince words 就是说话直接,不兜圈子。A frank person never minces words. 一个坦诚的人从来都是想什么说什么。Tell me what you think, and don't mince your words. 告诉我你的真实想法,直说,别兜圈子。弗朗索瓦.奥朗德击败现任总统萨科齐,当选法国总统。此前,The two candidates minced no words and traded insults in their only TV debate of the election campaign. 他们两人在总统选战的唯一一场电视辩论上唇枪舌剑,毫不留情地互相攻击。好的,今天我们学习的词是 mince words, mince words, mince words.
A: So Kat, 你觉得我朋友Matthew怎么样? 我听说你们俩昨天去约会了!
A: Well...he's ok, you know, he seems nice.... dinner was fine....
A: What? Don't mince words, Kat! Tell me what you really think of him!
B: Ok ok...I will come clean. Matthew is unbelievably boring. All he talked about the entire night was sports, sports, and MORE sports. I think I might have actually fallen asleep at one or two points during the night (snoring sound....)
A: Uh oh....原来是这样...无聊的男生确实很可怕...不过你刚才说到了一个词儿 come clean! 让我们来听听这个短语的用法!
Words and Idioms
在播送<美国习惯用语>第 963讲。我是杨琳。
M:我是 Doug Johnson.
女:上个周末,我给园艺俱乐部烤了一盘曲奇饼干。把它们晾凉的时候,我出去买了趟东西。但等我回来的时候,发现有六块曲奇饼干不翼而飞了。我爸妈和弟弟都 都一口否认说自己没吃。可等到晚饭时,弟弟终于觉得愧疚,告诉我饼干是他吃的,让我哭笑不得。这让我想到一句习惯用语,那就是:
M: Come clean. Come is spelled c-o-m-e; and clean; c-l-e-a-n. Come clean.
女:大家都知道,clean 意思是“干净的”。Come clean 字面意思是“变得干净”,实际上它是“坦白承认,说出一切”的意思。我弟弟就是这样,这谎再也撒不下去了,He had to COME CLEAN. 不得不坦白交待了偷吃饼干的事情。在下面的例子里,这位妈妈最开始不愿意告诉女儿一件事儿,但后来她改变了想法,和盘托出。我们来听一听:
M: "Mom came out of the doctor's office like everything was fine. Later, I overheard her on the phone talking about going to the hospital. When she realized I'd been listening, she CAME CLEAN. She admitted that she was going to need heart surgery, and didn't want me to worry."
女:父母都一样,出了什么健康问题都不告诉子女,生怕子女担心。我上次就因为类似的事情跟我爸好好谈了一次。我问他,如果我要做手术不告诉他,结果出了问 题,他会怎样想?所以说,不管遇到什么为难的事,不管是经济方面的,健康上的,还是吃了官司,都不能隐瞒家人。It's always best to COME CLEAN. 你都应该坦白说出来。好的,我们再来听听刚才那段话:
M: "Mom came out of the doctor's office like everything was fine. Later, I overheard her on the phone talking about going to the hospital. When she realized I'd been listening, she CAME CLEAN. She admitted that she was going to need heart surgery, and did want me to worry."
女: 说起 come clean 坦白,很容易让人想到犯罪和案件的审理。下面例子里就提到了一起案件,案件嫌疑人正在接受调查人员的讯问。让我们来听听看:
M: "The interrogator had doubts that the suspect would talk. But now that she understands she risks going to jail for many years, she's COMING CLEAN. She's confessing everything: how she planned the burglary and got her friends to help her carry it out. "
女: 她这是正确决定。如果现在不坦白,之后被查出来,被判处的刑罚会重得多。就我来说,我觉得我想犯罪都没那个本事!我根本不知道怎么骗人,更别说帮别人骗人 了!I'm the type of person who COMES CLEAN rather quickly. 我如果做错了什么事情,我肯定很快就招了。好的,我们再来听听刚才那段话:
M: "The interrogator had doubts that the suspect would talk. But now that she understands she risks going to jail for many years, she's COMING CLEAN. She's confessing everything: how she planned the burglary and got her friends to help her carry it out. "
女:各位听众,今天我们学习的习惯用语是COME CLEAN,意思是“彻底坦白”。好的,这次[美国习惯用语]就到此结束,我是杨琳,我是 Doug Johnson。谢谢各位的收听。
B: See, my dream date would definitely involve something more exciting!
A: 嗯,比如呢?
B: I would love to go for a hike in the woods, or go rock climbing, or...oh yes, sky diving! Now that would be something worth staying awake for!
A: 啊?空中跳伞? 我的妈呀,要我我可不, 我肯定会被吓死的!
B: 哈哈, 每个人不一样嘛! 不过你刚才提到了害怕,咱们来看看美语里有什么样的时髦用法!