1. 词组句型
leave, be off
sentence patterns:
When did you leave yesterday evening?
I left at six o'clock.
He has been off about one hour before.
be back, come back
sentence patterns:
Please be back next week.
When will you come back again?
2. 多种表达
Good bye!
See you later!
So long!
Catch you later!
See you again!
See you soon!
I have to go.
I have to be going.
I must be going.
I must go now.
I'd better go.
I must be off now.
Nice talking to you.
It's been interesting talking to you.
It's high time I was going.
It's about time I had to leave.
Can't you stay any longer?
Can't you stay a bit while?
Why don't you stay a little longer?
Do stay a little longer.
I've come to say goodbye to you.
I'd like to say goodbye to you.
When are you off?
What time are you going?
What time are you leaving?
Hope to see you again someday.
I hope we'll meet again sometime.
Remember to look me up.
Remember to come to see me.
Remember to visit me.
Come and see me when you have time.
Have a safe trip home.
Have a pleasant flight.
Have a nice trip.
Have a good journey.
I hope everything goes well.
All the very best.
I hope to see you again soon.
I'll look forward to seeing you soon.
I am calling to say goodbye.
I am ringing to say goodbye.
Thank you for coming to see me off.
It's very kind of you to come to see me off.
It is very nice of you to come.
Give me a call sometime.
Call me sometime.
Don't forget to give me a call.
Don't forget to write to me.
Don't forget to drop me a line.
Remember to drop me a line.
Remember to write to me.
Let's keep in touch with each other.
Don't forget to keep in touch.
How nice of you to come.
It's nice of you to come.
Thank you for coming.
Thanks for your visit.
Please feel free to make yourself at home.
Make yourself at home.