背1遍就想上考场大学英语考研单词 226
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    millimeter / millimetre
    A single-seat jet fighter mounting four 20-millimeter
    cannon was undergoing new tests in Argentina last week,
    after whistling through a first trial flight clocked
    at a speed of 646 miles per hour.
    One reason that economists can differ sharply
    over whether the U.S. is in a "recession" is that
    there is no simple, numerical definition of the term.
    A little math shows that 13.9 percent
    of this age group has contracted the illness,
    but that the case-hospitalization rate is 0.45 percent
    and the case-fatality rate is 0.028 percent-quadruple
    that of children.
    In 2007 it took two days for the government
    to receive enough applications to fill
    the quota of 65,000 regular H-1B visa permits
    for foreign skilled workers; in 2008 it took one.
    Since then the semiconductor giant has recovered
    much of the mojo that was in question in the mid-2000s,
    when archrival AMD challenged it, as both marketed new
    "multicore" chips that are now the rage.
    As the director of mind-body medicine for a cancer center
    that offers seminars on how patients can benefit
    from this emerging science, I can attest that most
    have never heard of epigenetics.
    I remember walking to trigonometry class
    on a sunny morning, looking up at the blue sky
    and seeing a police officer stationed on
    the roof of our language-arts building.
    Ivars Peterson, director of publications
    at the Mathematical Association of America,
    after a computer scientist computed the mathematical
    constant pi to nearly 2.7 trillion digits.
    A: How often do you have a physical checkup in hospital?
    B: Once a year.

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