Exercise 1-53: Reduced Sounds CD 2 Track 26
Read aloud from the right-hand column. The intonation is marked for you.
To |
Looks Like... |
Sounds Like... |
today |
[t'day] |
The preposition to usually reduces so much that it's like |
tonight tomorrow to work |
[t'night] [t'märou] [t'wrk] |
dropping the vowel. to school [t' school]Use a t' or təto the store [t' th' store]sound to replace We have to go now. [we hæftəgonæo]to. He went to work [he wentəwork]
They hope to find it. [they houptəfinedit]I can't wait to find out. [äi cæn(t)wai(t)təfine dæot]We don't know what to do. [we dont know w'(t)t' do]Don't jump to conclusions. [dont j'm t' c'ncloozh'nz]To be or not to be... [t'bee(y)r nät t' bee]He didn't get to go. [he din ge(t)təgou]
If that same to He told me to help. [he told meedəhelp]follows a vowel
sound, it will She told you to get it. [she tol joodəgeddit]
become d' or də.I go to work [ai goudəwrk]at a quarter to two [ædəkworder dətwo]The only way to get it is... [thee(y)only waydəgeddidiz]You've got to pay to get it. [yoov gäddəpaydəgeddit]We plan to do it. [we plæn dədoit]Let's go to lunch. [lets goudəlunch]The score was 4 ~ 6 [th' score w'z for dəsix]
Exercise 1-53: Reduced Sounds continuedCD 2 Track 26
To |
Looks Like... |
Sounds Like... |
It's the only way to do it. |
[its thee(y)ounly(w)'t] |
weidədo |
So to speak... |
[soda speak] |
I don't know how to say it. |
[äi don(t)know hæwdəsay(y) it] |
Go to page 8. |
[goudəpay jate] |
Show me how to get it. |
[show me hæodəgeddit] |
You need to know when to do [you nee(d)dənou wendədo it. (w)it]
Who's to blame? [hooz dəblame] At We're at home. [wirət home] At is just the I'll see you at lunch. [äiyəl see you(w)ət opposite of to. It's a lunch]
small grunt followed Dinner's at five. [d'nnerzə(t) five]
by a reduced [t].Leave them at the door. [leevəmə(t)thədoor]The meeting's at one. [th' meeding z't w'n]He's at the post office. [heezə(t)the poussdäffəs]They're at the bank. [thεrə(t)th' bænk]I'm at school. [äimə(t)school]
If at is followed by a I'll see you at eleven. [äiyəl see you(w)ədəvowel sound, it will lεv'n]become 'd or əd. He's at a meeting. [heez' dəmeeding]
She laughed at his idea. [she læfdədi zy deeyə]One at a time [wənədətime]We got it at an auction. [we gädidədənäksh'n]The show started at eight. [th' showstardədədate]The dog jumped out at us. [th' däg jump dæodədəs]I was at a friend's house. [äi w'z'd' frenzhæos]
ItCan you do it? [k'niu do(w)'t]
It and at sound the Give it to me. [g'v'(t)t' me]same in context —Buy it tomorrow. [bäi(y)ə(t)t' märrow]['t] It can wait. ['t c' n wait]
Read it twice. [ree d'(t)twice]Forget about it! [frgedd' bæodit]
...and they both turn Give it a try. [gividætry]to 'd or əd between
vowels or voiced Let it alone. [ledidəlone]Take it away. [tay kida way]
I got it in London. [äi gädidin l'nd'n] What is it about? [w'd'z'd'bæot] Let's try it again. [lets try'd' gen] Look! There it is! [lük there'd'z]
ForLooks Like... Sounds Like...
This is for you. [th's'z fr you]It's for my friend. [ts fr my friend]A table for four, please. [ətable fr four, pleeze]We planned it for later. [we plandit fr layd'r]For example, for instance [fregg zæmple] [frinst'nss]
What is this for? [w'd'z thisfor] (for is not reduced atWhat did you do it for? [w'j' do(w)it for] the end of a sentence)Who did you get it for? [hoojya geddit for]
From It's from the IRS. [ts frm thee(y)äi(y)äress]I'm from Arkansas. [äim fr'm ärk' nsä]There's a call from Bob. [therzəcällfr'm Bäb]This letter's from Alaska! [this ledderzfrəməlæskə]Who's it from? [hoozit frəm]Where are you from? [wher'r you frəm]
InIt's in the bag. [tsin thəbæg]
What's in it? [w'ts'n't]I'll be back in a minute. [äiyəl be bæk'nəm'n't]This movie? Who's in it? [this movie ... hooz'n't]Come in. [c 'min]He's in America. [heez'nənəmεrəkə]
AnHe's an American. [heez'nəmεrəkən]I got an A in English. [äi gäddənayih ninglish]He got an F in Algebra. [hee gäddəneffinæljəbrə]He had an accident. [he hædənæksəd'nt]We want an orange. [we want'n nornj]He didn't have an excuse. [he didnt hævəneks kyooss]I'll be there in an instant. [äi(y)'l be there inəninstnt]It's an easy mistake to make. [itsəneezee m' stake t' make]
Andham and eggs [hæməneggz]bread and butter [bredn buddr]Coffee? With cream and sugar? [käffee... with creem'n sh'g'r]No, lemon and sugar. [nou... lem'n'n sh'g'r]... And some more cookies? ['n smore cükeez]They kept going back and forth. [they kep going bækn forth]We watched it again and again. [we wächdidəgen'n' gen]He did it over and over. [he di di doverənover]We learned by trial and error. [we lrnd by tryətənerər]
Exercise 1-53: Reduced Sounds continuedCD 2 Track 26
Or Looks Like...Sounds Like...
Soup or salad? [super salad]now or later [næ(w)r laydr]more or less [mor'r less]left or right [lefter right]For here or to go? [f'r hir'r d'go]Are you going up or down? [are you going úpper dόwn]
This is an either / or question (Up? Down?) Notice how the intonation is different from"Cream and sugar?", which is a yes/ no question.
Are What are you doing?[w'dr you doing]
Where are you going? [wer'r you going]What're you planning on doing? [w'dr yüplanning än doing]How are you? [hæwr you]Those are no good. [thozer no good]How are you doing? [hæwer you doing]The kids are still asleep. [the kidzer stilləsleep]
Your How's your family?[hæozhier fæmlee]
Where're your keys? [wher'r y'r keez]You're American, aren't you? [yrəmer'k'n, arn choo]Tell me when you're ready. [tell me wen yr reddy]Is this your car? [izzis y'r cär]You're late again, Bob. [yer lay dəgen, Bäb]Which one is yours? [which w'n'z y'rz]
One Which one is better? [which w'n'z bedder]One of them is broken. [w'n'v'm'z brok'n]I'll use the other one. [æl yuz thee(y)ətherw'n]I like the red one, Edwin. [äi like the redw'n, edw'n]That's the last one. [thæts th' lass dw'n]The next one'll be better. [the necksdw'n'll be bedd'r]Here's one for you. [hirzw'n f'r you]Let them go one by one. [led'm gou w'n by w'n]
The It's the best. [ts th' best]
What's the matter? [w'ts th' madder]What's the problem? [w'tsəpräbl'm]I have to go to the bathroom. [äi hæf t' go d' th' bæthroom]Who's the boss around here? [hoozəbässsəræond hir]Give it to the dog. [g'v'(t)təth' däg]Put it in the drawer. [püdidin th' dror]
Exercise 1-53: Reduced Sounds continuedCD 2 Track 26
A |
Looks Like... |
Sounds Like... |
It's a present. You need a break. Give him a chance. Let's get a new pair of shoes. Can I have a Coke, please? Is that a computer? Where's a public telephone? |
[tsəpreznt] [you needəbreak] [g'v'məchæns] [lets geddənew perəshooz] [c'nai hævəkouk, pleez] [izzædək'mpyoodr] [wherzəpəblic teləfoun] |
Of |
It's the top of the line. |
[tsətäp'v th' line] |
It's a state of the art printer. As a matter of fact, ... Get out of here. Practice all of the time. Today's the first of May. What's the name of that movie? That's the best of all! some of them all of them most of them none of them any of them the rest of them |
[tsəstay dəthee(y)ärt prinner] [z'mædderəfækt] [geddæowdəhir] [prækt'säll'v th' time] [t'dayzth' frss d'v May] [w'ts th' naym'v thæt movie] [thætsth' bess d'väll] [səməvəm] [älləvəm] [mosdəvəm] [nənəvəm] [ennyəvəm] [th' resdəvəm] |
Can |
Can you speak English? |
[k'new spee kinglish] |
I can only do it on Wednesday. A can opener can open cans. Can I help you? Can you do it? We can try it later. |
[äi k'nonly du(w)idän wenzday] [əkænopener k'nopen kænz] [k'näi helpiu] [k'niu do(w)'t] [we k'n tryit layder] |
I hope you can sell it. [äi hou piu k'n sell't]No one can fix it. [nou w'n k'n ficksit]Let me know if you can find it. [lemme no(w)'few k'n finedit]
Had Jack had had enough. [jæk'd hæd' n'f]
Bill had forgotten again. [bil'd frga(t)n nəgen] What had he done to deserve it? [w'd'dee d'nd'd' zr vit] We'd already seen it. [weedäl reddy seenit] He'd never been there. [heed never binthere] Had you ever had one? [h'jou(w)ever hædw'n] Where had he hidden it? [wer dee hidn●nit]
Bob said he'd looked into it. [bäb sedeed lükdintu(w)it]
Exercise 1 -53: Reduced Sounds continued CD 2 Track 26
Would Looks Like... Sounds Like...
He would have helped, if ... [he wuda helpdif ...]Would he like one? [woody lyekw'n]Do you think he'd do it? [dyiu thing keed du(w)'t]Why would I tell her? [why wüdäi teller]We'd see it again, if... [weed see(y)idəgen, if...]He'd never be there on time. [heed never be therän time]Would you ever have one? [w'jou(w)ever hævw'n]
Was He was only trying to help. [he w'zounly trying dəhelp]
Mark was American. [mär kw'z'mer'k'n]Where was it? [wer w'z't]How was it? [hæow'z't]That was great! [thæt w'z great]Who was with you? [hoow'z withyou]She was very clear. [she w'z very clear]When was the war of 1812? [wen w'z th' wor'v ei(t)teen
What What time is it? [w't tyem'z't]
What's up? [w'ts'p]What's on your agenda? [w'tsänyrəjendə]What do you mean? [w'd'y' mean]What did you mean? [w'j'mean]What did you do about it? [w'j' du(w)əbæodit]What took so long? [w't tükso läng]What do you think of this? [w'ddyəthing k'v this]What did you do then? [w'jiu do then]I don't know what he wants. [I dont know wədee wänts]
Some Some are better than others. [s'mr beddr thənətherz]
There are some leftovers. [ther'r s'm lefdoverz] Let's buy some ice cream. [let spy s'micecreem] Could we get some other ones? [kwee get s 'mother w'nz] Take some of mine. [take səməv mine] Would you like some more? [w' joo like s'more] (or very casually) [jlike smore] Do you have some ice? [dyühæv səmice] Do you have some mice? [dyühæv səmice]
"You can fool some of the people some of the time, but you can't fool all of the people all of the time." [yuk'n fool səməthəpeepəl səməthətime, b'choo kænt fool älləthəpeepəl älləthətime]