听力理解1.relocation2.convenient3.there are few4.when she5.she was given6.she left7.she needed8.it is9.price10.a rangefinder11.the curtain12.a flat area13.between two14.when he was15.in the Arab world16.learned classical17.the trip18.9 meters
19.the farm causes20.local support21.the main22.9(23).French forces have24.to protect the town25.the reform26. thirteen years27.arranging for28. her cilents29.foregin investment30.wealthier nigerians
31.A。increasingly 32.D.conceived 33.B.it 34.B.marked 35.D.which 36.A.with 37.A.possible 38.C.gone 39.D.dictataed 40Dto 41.Bcontrolled 42C.onvented 43.A.some 44.B.hut 45D.secure 46.A.seek.47C.custom 48.B.compensate 49.B.until 50.A.rise
51D examine
52D I‘m hoping
53D he seemed
54B the niagara
55B you
55B you
56C the school
57D the enemy
58C me to disturb
59C few people
60A spoke
61D whatever
62C do it
63D the house had beenmade a mess
64A as
65B he offered
66B quality
67C embraced
68A prolong
69D light
70D drowsy
71A tolerate
72A seniority
73B ignored
74C break up
75A flapped
76D because
77A suspension
78B imaginable
79D consideration
80A perfect
Reading comprehension
81A some pupils
82A the thought
83D he could
84Bthey stopped
85Che was really
86C stress continues
87A social
88D focusing
89D you preference
90 D stress
91A introduction
92A unimprove
93C redesign of
95A texing
96C doing things before
97D are given opportunities
98A the way of
99 B more parents
100A the apprentiesship