56. 她开始令我感到厌烦。(感情破裂的早期征兆) She's starting to get to me.
57. 你说的滔滔不绝,我根本插不上嘴。 You talked so much that I couldn't get in a word in edgewise.
58. 他总是出差在外。(妻子的抱怨) He is always on the road.
59. 工厂准备解雇很多工人。(所以有了laid-off workers)
The factory is going to lay off many workers.
60. 我对她不再报希望了。(想到她就感到精神鼓舞,为之一阵)
I just don't feel inspired about her anymore.
61. 回家的路上,我去了趟图书馆。 I looked into the library on the way home.
62. 不要总是抱怨这,抱怨那的。 Don't always gripe about something or other.
63. 最近和你的新上司相处的怎么样? How are you getting along with your new supervisor?
64. 给我印象最深的是他简化繁琐手续和办事果断。
What impresses me most is that he manages to cut through the red tape and get things done very fast.
65. 我们彼此投缘。 We're on the same wave-length.
66. 我对新工作非常感兴趣。 I'm high on my new job.
67. 她非常喜欢你,难道你不知道吗?(这么好的事我怎么碰不上?^_^)
She's high on you. Don't you know that?
68. 他只是口头同意了我们的计划。 He only pays lip service to our program.
69. 我会照着做的。 I'll follow suit.
70. 对您如此费心的安排,我们真是感激不尽。
We're very grateful to you for taking so much pains to make us comfortable here.
71. 他给我们树立了榜样。 He's set an example for us.
72. 我们都生活在激烈竞争中。 We're all living in the rat race.
73. 我自己能行。 I feel quite up to it.
74. 我不会跳舞,笨手笨脚的。 I can't dance. I've got two left feet.
75. 她十分害羞。 She's too self-conscious.
76. 她即使和陌生人在一起也无拘无束的。She is always at ease even with strangers.
77. 一开始你只能先做个下手。 You can take a back seat the first time.
78. 我心血来潮买下的。 I bought it on the spur of the moment.
79. 别瞒我。 Don't keep me in the dark.
80. 你最好直言相告他。 You'd better tell him straight from the shoulder.
81. 我到处找你。 I searched for you everywhere.
82. 告诉我这是怎么回事。 Give me an idea.
83. 我把这件事从头给你讲一遍。 I'll give you an account of it from the very beginning.
84. 我想试试看。 I'm willing to try my hand at it.
85. 无可挑剔了。 You couldn't beat that deal with a stick.
86. 我考试在即。 The exams are in store for me.
87. 他是那种把考试看的很重的人。 He's the person that sets the greatest store on taking exams.
88. 你看起来满脸倦容。 You're looking a bit run-down.
89. 我仍一无所获。(白费力气) I keep drawing a blank.
90. 我睡眠不足。 I'm behind in my sleep.
91. 我想我快病倒了。 I think I'm coming down with something.
92. 我发烧了。 I'm running a temperature.
93. 你身体真棒。 You're in great shape.
94. 我不像你上那么多课。 I don't take as many courses as you do.
95. 我高兴的要命。 I'm on top of the world.
96. 这种药治我的感冒。 This medicine did wonders for my cold.
97. 我分不清。 I can't tell them apart.
98. 我不感兴趣。 I can't get into it.
99. 我偶尔看看电视。 I watch TV every now and then.
100. 至少可以这么说。 To say the least.