· Talk turkey打开天窗说亮话
Let’s talk turkey, see if you agree. I’ll get 55%of the share, and you’ll get the rest.
· Not say uncle拒不认错,不服输
I don’t know when he has ever said uncle to anyone.
· Take a dim view of…对……抱悲观态度;不赞同
Teachers in middle schools usually take a dim view of students’ talking up too many after-class activities.
· Walk all over someone任意欺负某人
My neighbor walked all over me. He left rubbish in my door, stamped on my grass and wax my windows. I decided to fight back.
· Drive someone to the wall把某人逼得走投无路
He hates learning foreign languages. But the challenging situation drives him to the wall. He decides to go to an evening class.
· Drive someone up the wall把某人搞得心烦意乱
Would you please turn down that Rap music? It has driven me up the wall.
· Be in hot water陷入困境
I’m sorry I can’t lend you money. I myself am in hot water.
· Like water off a duck’s back满不在乎,不起作用
I can do nothing about him. Criticism rolls off like water off a duck’s back. It goes into his one ear and comes out of the other.
· Meet one’s Waterloo惨败
The famous lawyer met his Waterloo at the hands of a fledgling lawyer.
· Fish in troubled waters浑水摸鱼
Don’t tell him that we need that material badly, He is good at fishing in troubled waters and will take advantage of it.
· Make waves兴风作浪
Everything went smoothly in her wedding ceremony, when her formal boyfriend came to make waves by drinking the bridegroom under the table.
· Have a way with something/someone有应付……的办法
She will make a good teacher. She seems to have a way with even the most disobedient boy.
· Pave the way for…为……铺平道路
Donation from every walks of life has paved the way for the Hope Project to proceed.