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     About Churchill 关于丘吉尔
         Sir Winston Leonard Spencer Churchill was a British politician and statesman known for his leadership of the United Kingdom during the Second World War. He is widely regarded as one of the great wartime leaders. He served as Prime Minister twice (1940-1945 and 1951-1955). A noted statesman and orator, Churchill was also an officer in the British Army, a historian, a writer, and an artist. To date, he is the only British prime minister to have received the Nobel Prize in Literature, and he was the first person to be made an honorary citizen of the United States.
         Churchill was born into the aristocratic family of the Dukes of Marlborough. His father, Lord Randolph Churchill, was a charismatic politician who served as Chancellor of the Exchequer; his mother, Jenny Jerome, an American socialite. As a young army officer, he saw action in British India, the Sudan and the Second Boer War. He gained fame as a war correspondent and through books he wrote about his campaigns.
         At the forefront of politics for fifty years, he held many political and cabinet positions. Before World War I, he served as President of the Board of Trade, Home Secretary and First Lord of the Admiralty as part of the Asquith Liberal government. During the war, he continued as First Lord of the Admiralty until the disastrous Gallipoli Campaign, which he had sponsored, caused his departure from government. He then served briefly on the Western Front, commanding the 6th Battalion of the Royal Scots Fusiliers. He returned to government as Minister of Munitions, Secretary of State for War, and Secretary of State for Air. After the War, Churchill served as Chancellor of the Exchequer in the Conservative(Baldwin) government of 1924-1929, controversially returning the pound sterling in 1925 to the gold standard at its pre-War parity, a move widely seen as creating deflationary pressure on the UK economy. Also controversial were Churchill's opposition to increased home rule for India, and his resistance to the 1936 abdication of Edward VIII.
         After the Conservative Party lost the 1945 election, he became Leader of the Opposition. In 1951, he again became Prime Minister, before retiring in 1955. Upon his death, The Queen granted him the honour of a state funeral, which saw one of the largest assemblies of world statesmen ever.
         丘吉尔的头上戴有许多流光溢彩的桂冠,他是著作等身的作家、辩才无碍的演说家、经邦治国的政治家、战争中的传奇英雄。1953年,他被授予诺贝尔文学奖。他在一生中多次经历的议员竞选中,在议会的辩论中,尤其是在第二次世界大战中的重要时刻,发表了许多富于技巧而且打动人心的演讲,给人们留下了极深的印象。他来生最愿意做的事也是想跟某人对话:他的来生是想与王尔德对话。丘吉尔之所以青睐奥斯卡·王尔德很大程度上是因为王尔德的机智与辩才。的确,为丘吉尔树立了永垂不朽的丰碑的不仅是他的作品和演讲,而且是他作为一个政治家和反法西斯斗士的光辉业绩。他一生中的大部分时间都当选为议员,曾多次在内阁中担任要职。他经历了许多次政治上的升沉起伏,每次都以不屈不挠的努力,从不畏惧的斗志战 胜艰难险阻而达到自己的目的,最终登上了光辉的顶峰,在英国处于历史危机的严峻关头,成为众望所归的政治领袖。


         Winston Churchill is another example.
         Early on the third morning Hoprins visited Churchill.
         This is a clip from one of Churchill's well-known speeches.
         Chaucer, Shakespeare, Hemingway and Churchill were all men of letters.
         People still remember Churchill for his rolling phrases, his magnificent voice.
         Britain's departure is hardly graceful, but it would come as little surprise to Churchill.
         It was later said of Churchill that he mobilized the English language and sent it into battle.
         Churchill was making notes in the margin of a typewritten report, and as he scribbled he occasionally muttered.
         Churchill can, and by driving himself he will succeed, until the last decade of his life, in holding his affliction at bay.
         I had a informal chat president Roosevelt and Churchill.
         Churchill, one of the 20th century's greatest orators, practiced his speeches compulsively.
         What bothered him was that Churchill might use the incident to pretend to Germany's allies that Hitler was extending a peace feeler.
         By holding up Churchill, Mr. Netanyahu is saying that courage consists of holding tenaciously to one's beliefs, regardless of popularity.
         Churchill said: "I have nothing to offer but blood, toil, tears and sweat."
         丘吉尔说:"除了鲜血,辛苦,眼泪和汗水之外,我什么都不能提供。 "
         The Casablanca Conference between President Roosevelt and Churchill ended.
         The BBC triggered an avalanche with its 100 Greatest Britons poll, won by Churchill.
         Churchill set another date for his visit.
         Churchill showed particular interest in naval aviation.
         According to this account, the man's grandfather overheard Churchill discussing the alleged incident with US wartime General Dwight Eisenhower.
         Clement Attlee used a cricketing metaphor to describe the effect of Winston Churchill's pre-eminence on the subsequent generation of Tory politicians.
         Reports given to Churchill claimed that a reconnaissance aircraft returning to Britain from a mission was shadowed by a UFO as it crossed the British coast.
         Most vigorous character to arise anew in European affairs was Britain's Winston Churchill, First Lord of the Admiralty.
         As Winston Churchill hinted in his aphorism, rulers who try to govern without democracy eventually discover that none of the alternative systems works as well.
         Churchill told de Gaulle in 1944 that, faced with a choice between the continent and le grand large, the British would always choose the second.
         Churchill desperately tried to draw America into the war.
         Churchill is war heroism.
         This was a work of rhetorical art that, in its seriousness, bravery and clarity, was on a par with FDR and Churchill.
         British wartime prime minister Churchill banned the reporting for 50 years of an alleged UFO incident because of fears it could create mass panic.

    Let's Talk!

         Mike: What are you reading?
         Daisy: I'm reading the speech of Churchill.
         Mike: Are you practicing your public speaking?
         Daisy: Yes, Churchill also learns speaking in his spare time.黛西:是的,丘吉尔在空闲时也练习演讲。
         Mike: Churchill is a great speaker.
         Daisy: I'm not very confident in public speaking.
         Mike: You just need more practice.
         Daisy: I'm fear of stage.
         Mike: Me too, but after speaking several time, I get used to it.
         Daisy: Do not panic, just say the words naturally.
         Mike: You can watch videos of Churchill giving a speech.
         Daisy: OK, I will.

      上一篇:外国人最想和你聊的名人话题:富兰克林·德拉诺·罗斯福 下一篇:外国人最想和你聊的名人话题:约翰·F·肯尼迪


