About Rodin 关于罗丹
Fran?ois-Auguste-René Rodin, known as Auguste Rodin, was a French sculptor. Although Rodin is generally considered the progenitor of modern sculpture, he did not set out to rebel against the past. He was schooled traditionally, took a craftsman-like approach to his work, and desired academic recognition, although he was never accepted into Paris's foremost school of art.Sculpturally, Rodin possessed a unique ability to model a complex, turbulent, deeply pocketed surface in clay. Many of his most notable sculptures were roundly criticized during his lifetime. They clashed with the predominant figure sculpture tradition, in which works were decorative, formulaic, or highly thematic. Rodin's most original work departed from traditional themes of mythology and allegory, modeled the human body with realism, and celebrated individual character and physicality. Rodin was sensitive of the controversy surrounding his work, but refused to change his style. Successive works brought increasing favor from the government and the artistic community.
From the unexpected realism of his first major figure-inspired by his 1875 trip to Italy-to the unconventional memorials whose commissions he later sought, Rodin's reputation grew, such that he became the preeminent French sculptor of his time. By 1900, he was a world-renowned artist. Wealthy private clients sought Rodin's work after his World's Fair exhibit, and he kept company with a variety of highprofile intellectuals and artists. He married his life-long companion, Rose Beuret, in the last year of both their lives. His sculpture suffered a decline in popularity after his death in 1917, but within a few decades his legacy solidified. Rodin remains one of the few sculptors widely known outside the visual arts community.
The model was one of Rodin's favorites.
Rodin finally board another peak after Michelangelo.
During the last two decades of his career, Rodin was fascinated with hands.
Rodin's The Kiss depicts the heart throbbing passion between men and women.
The present sculpture is among the most poignant and compelling of Rodin's works.
Rodin has once said: "Nothing else in the nature is more characteristic than human body."
From now on, and for all eternity, Rodin's Balzac was to be part of the history of humanity.
In 1881, Rodin announced his intention to produce a companion for his Adam.
Rodin has created so many wonderful art pieces.
Rodin's power of molding is outstanding.
I have a Rodin's famous sculpture of a copy.
In 1881, the French Directorate of Fine Arts commissioned Rodin to produce two sculptures, with a view to placing them at each side of the Gates of Hell.
Rodin had this sort of ambition.
The deconstruction of western modern sculpture was enlightened by Rodin.
Rodin took the The Martyr from the Gates of Hell and replaced the head with that of a young girl with long hair.
I have sensed the power of Rodin.
It became famous and welcome after the exhibition, therefore, in1888, the French government ordered the first large-scale marble version of The Kiss from Rodin for the 1889 Exhibition Universelle.
Let's Talk!
Mike: Do you like Rodin's sculptures?
Daisy: I am not very interested in sculptures.
Mike: Why? Sculpture is a very good form of art.
Daisy: Maybe I am not very familiar with it.
Mike: There is a wonderful sculpture exhibition in the museum, you should come with me.
Daisy: Ok, the Rodin you just talked about, is he a very famous Sculptor?
Mike: Yes, his sculptures are really powerful.