What is career planning 什么是职业规划
There are hundreds of career options out there. How do you make a career choice when you don't really know what you want to do? Does it seem like an insurmountable task? It's not. Yes, you will have to put some time and energy into making your decision, but your effort will be well worth it in the end.
There is great variety in the world of work. The task of selecting the right work from the thousands of available choices takes vocational planning. How do you make a career choice when you don't really know what you want to do? Does it seem like an insurmountable task? It's not. Individuals need to know many things about themselves and many things about the world of work. Although you will have to put some time and energy into making your decision, your effort will be well worth it in the end.
There are several factors to be considered when choosing a vocation. Each is essential to making a good vocational choice.
Aptitudes: What kinds of aptitudes do the individual have? What does one do well and enjoy doing? Is working with plants or animals, for example, or dealing with people a pleasant experience? Some people prefer to work alone. What seems easy for some may be difficult for others.
Interests: Another factor to consider is the individual's interests. What school subjects does one like? What hobbies does a person have? These factors are clues to knowing the type of job to consider education and training.
Wages and salaries: Some jobs pay more than others. The more training a position requires, the more likely it is to pay a higher salary. Occupations that have a labor shortage tend to pay higher salaries than those for which there are many able candidates.
Physical demands: Choosing a vocation should also be done with a realistic attitude toward its physical demands in relation to one's own physical attributes. The pursuit of a vocation is no time for wishful thinking or trying to reach far beyond one's range of talents, experiences, and aptitudes. Vocational choice, however, is an opportunity to grow, improve oneself, and make a contribution to society.
职业规划(career planning),是职业生涯规划的简称,就是对职业生涯乃至人生进行持续的系统的计划过程,它包括职业定位(position fixation)、目标设定(target setting)、通道设计(channel design)三部分内容。通常所说的职业生涯设计实际上是指对职业通道的设计。职业规划的主要特征包括:可行性(feasibility),适时性(timeliness),适应性(adaptability)和持续性(continuity)。
It's called Career Planning and Computer Applications, or CPCA for short.
This position will suit a person currently living in the Suzhou area with a stable work history, who wants to work for a professional Company and grow their long term career.
He pointed out the direction of life to students of the university: let them walk fewer detours and view personal career planning sensible.
Based on your career plan, equip yourself with the qualifications you need. You don't have to leave work to do this. There are many courses you can take outside work hours. Select the ones that will benefit you in the portfolio of jobs you will most likely be doing to which I referred previously.
Good career planning can lead to a satisfying career.
The career development planning publicity in front of canteen and teaching building attracted many students to watch, which gave the students a better understanding of the meaning of career planning and significance.
We have a student consultant team of Western and Chinese counselors who provide students with researched and accurate education information, academic advice and career guidance through workshops, seminars and personal consultation beginning with a study plan then to short and long-term goal setting and finally, in consultation with parents of students' career planning.
The qualified and experienced coaching assistance provided by BWE includes business coaching, performance boosting, career planning, confidential outplacement assistance, performance plans, crisis management, conflict resolution, communication breakdowns, restructuring anxiety and gaining equilibrium and mentoring.
I am planning my future career.
Lack planning for career has no purpose or goal.
During a 30 years business career in the retail, manufacturing, and distribution sectors, he accumulated a wealth of knowledge in international strategic business development and became determined to teach the essence of business planning and individual skills to the entrepreneurs to the greatest degree.
I had begun my involvement in the planning of this mission as a graduate student, and I would have to wait until the middle of my scientific career to see its culmination: the first prolonged exploration of the saturnine system.
Let's Talk!
Peter: Hi, Sandy. Long time no see.
Sandy: Hi, Peter. Yes, we haven't met for a long time.
Peter: Have you made up your mind to take up business as a career?
Sandy: Yes. Actually, I've already started. I began my studies at the beginning of this semester.
Peter: Very glad to hear it. Then what are you going to do when you finish?
Sandy: Oh, I will go back to Hong Kong to practice there.
Peter: That's a good idea. It must be easy to find a job in Hong Kong.
Sandy: I think so. You know there is a great deal of scope for business.
Peter: And English is very useful in your job.
Sandy: I think it'll be very useful in many ways because there's a lot about business written in English. Besides, Hong Kong is an international trade center. English is used in almost all walks of life.
Peter: Then you'll be a very promising businesswoman there.
Sandy: That's my wish. But I have to suffer now.
Peter: No problem. You're hard-working and organized, and you work well with others.
Sandy: Thank you for your encouragement.
Peter: You can do it well, I'm sure.
Sandy: I hope so.