What is Nuclear Safety 什么是核安全
Nuclear safety covers the actions taken to prevent nuclear and radiation accidents or to limit their consequences. This covers nuclear power plants as well as all other nuclear facilities, the transportation of nuclear materials, and the use and storage of nuclear materials for medical, power, industry, and military uses.
The nuclear power industry has improved the safety and performance of reactors, and has proposed new safer (but generally untested) reactor designs but there is no guarantee that the reactors will be designed, built and operated correctly. Nuclear weapon safety, as well as the safety of military research involving nuclear materials, is generally handled by agencies different from those that oversee civilian safety, for various reasons, including secrecy.
Nuclear material may be hazardous if not properly handled or disposed of. Experiments of near critical mass-sized pieces of nuclear material can pose a risk of a criticality accident. David Hahn, "The Radioactive Boy Scout" who tried to build a nuclear reactor at home, serves as an excellent example of a nuclear experimenter who failed to develop or follow proper safety protocols. Such failures raise the specter of radioactive contamination.
Even when properly contained, fission byproducts which are no longer useful generate radioactive waste, which must be properly disposed of. Spent nuclear fuel that is recently removed from a nuclear reactor will generate large amounts of decay heat which will require pumped water cooling for a year or more to prevent overheating. In addition, material exposed to neutron radiation-present in nuclear reactors-may become radioactive in its own right, or become contaminated with nuclear waste. Additionally, toxic or dangerous chemicals may be used as part of the plant's operation, which must be properly handled and disposed of.
The next nuclear plants to be built will likely be Generation III or III+ designs, and a few such are already in operation in Japan. Generation IV reactors would have even greater improvements in safety. These new designs are expected to be passively safe or nearly so, and perhaps even inherently safe (as in the PBMR designs).
Some improvements made (not all in all designs) are having three sets of emergency diesel generators and associated emergency core cooling systems rather than just one pair, having quench tanks (large coolant-filled tanks) above the core that open into it automatically, having a double containment (one containment building inside another), etc.
However, safety risks may be the greatest when nuclear systems are the newest, and operators have less experience with them. Nuclear engineer David Lochbaum explained that almost all serious nuclear accidents occurred with what was at the time the most recent technology. He argues that "the problem with new reactors and accidents is twofold: scenarios arise that are impossible to plan for in simulations; and humans make mistakes". As one director of a U.S. research laboratory put it, "fabrication, construction, operation, and maintenance of new reactors will face a steep learning curve: advanced technologies will have a heightened risk of accidents and mistakes. The technology may be proven, but people are not".
核物质(nuclear matter)如果不进行适当处理,可能会有很大的危害性。根据实验,接近临界质量(critical mass)的核物质具有发生临界事故(criticality accident)的危险。
即使裂变(atomic fission)的副产物被适当封装,当它们不再有用时依然会产生放射性废物(radioactive waste)。这些放射性废物必须使用适当的手段进行处理。另外,核反应堆中暴露在中子辐射(neutron radiation)下的物质可能含有放射性,或者被其他放射性废物污染。还有,在核电站的运行过程中,可能会需要一些有毒的危险化学物质(chemical substances),这些物质也必须用适当的手段来处理。
The governments should strengthen supervision and management over nuclear security and nuclear radiation.
The Kemeny Commission also found that because NRC's primary focus had been on licensing, there was insufficient attention to the ongoing process of assuring nuclear safety.
By the year 2001, China has signed 35 bilateral environmental cooperation documents and 14 bilateral nuclear safety cooperation documents with 28 countries such as USA, Japan and Canada.
However, some nuclear safety experts have downplayed these differences, questioning whether U.S. plants could contain a steam explosion like that at Chernobyl.
In this article it is discussed the nuclear safety requirements and the basis of the requirements, and the background of making these nuclear safety requirements from the point of view of CANDU planned outage nuclear safety management.
The emergency planning and site selecting criteria of the commercial nuclear heating plant are discussed within the framework of Chinese and IAEA nuclear safety codes and guidelines.
The international and national activities for improving nuclear safety regulation after Chernobyl accidents are presented in this paper.
From the aspect of RTG structure, the paper analyzed nuclear safety of RTG and indicated its distribution, quantities, status of service and existent crisis in Russia.
In order to improve safety,economy and reliability of operation for nuclear power plant(NPP),a novel integrated managing method was proposed based on the(ideas) of computer and contemporary integrated manufacturing system(CIMS).
To counter the threat of nuclear terrorism, IAEA is expanding its ability to review the security of nuclear facilities in its member States, identify necessary security upgrades, and organize contributions to carry out those upgrades.
为防止核恐怖主义威胁,原子能机构正在加强其在以下领域的能力:检查成员国的核安全、确定何处必须进行安全措施升级, 并筹集捐助以进行这种升级。
Part 3 Let's Talk! 开始交流吧!
Richard: What's the most dangerous occupation?
Betty: Soldiers. They have to carry out many dangerous tasks.
Richard: Yeah. It's reported that in 1956, the British military had sent hundreds of soldiers to Monte Bello Is. to test the effect of the nuclear blast on human body.
Betty: Have the soldiers said no?
Richard: No. You know, obedience is the first duty of a soldier.
Betty: What happened to them after the test?
Richard: Many of them got ill. And many of them had the typical symptoms of nuclear radiation.
Betty: What're the typical symptoms?
Richard: Tooth loss and trichomadesis.
Betty: The damage produced by nuclear radiation is terrible!
Richard: Indeed, this nuclear leak in Japan will bear away many lives.
Betty: In World War Two, the atomic bombs air-dropped by America almost destroyed Hiroshima and Nagasaki in Japan.
Richard: The tragedy repeats again.
Betty: Now, all countries are using nuclear energy to develop their military forces.
Richard: That's not good news, and human beings will die out if nuclear war breaks out in the future.
Betty: It is dangerous even nuclear energy is used in normal productive development.
Richard: Therefore, countries should formulate nuclear safety laws and regulations except for strengthening the nuclear safety measurements.