Realize Modern Pictures 认识现代绘画
1 现代艺术和绘画的起源
The roots of Modern art are based in the art works produced during the period around 1860s to the 1970s. The term Modern Art denoted the style and approach to the art produced during that era. The term Modern Art is usually associated with art in which the traditions of the past have been thrown aside in a spirit of experimentation. Modern artists experimented with new ways of seeing and with fresh ideas about the nature of materials and functions of art. A tendency toward abstraction is characteristic of much modern art. Today many of the artists who exhibit at Red Rag Bath Art Gallery carry on this modern art tradition.
Although modern sculpture and architecture are believed to have emerged at the end of the nineteenth century, the beginnings of modern painting took place before. The birth of modern art is generally attributed as 1863, when édouard Manet exhibited his painting Le déjeuner sur l'herbe in the Salon des Refusés in Paris. The pioneers of modern art were Romantics, Realists and Impressionists. By the late 19th century, additional art movements which were to be influential in modern art had begun to emerge. These included:post-Impressionism as well as Symbolism.
Influences upon these art movements were varied:from exposure to Eastern decorative arts, particularly Japanese printmaking, to the coloristic innovations of Turner and Delacroix, to a search for more realism in the depiction of common life, as found in the art work of painters such as Jean-Fran?ois Millet. The advocates of realism stood against the idealism of the tradition-bound academic art that enjoyed public and official favor.
The most successful painters of the day worked either through commissions or through large public art exhibitions of their own work. There were official, government-sponsored painters' unions, while governments regularly held public exhibitions of new fine and decorative arts.
Artists of the Impressionist period believed that people do not see objects but only the light which they reflect. They therefore argued that painters should paint in natural light rather than in studios and should capture the effects of light in their work. Red Rag Bath Art Gallery artists who still follow this approach include:David Atkins, Jeremy Barlow, David Farren, John Kingsleyand Bruce Yardley.
2 现代美术流派
Byzantine 拜占庭式
Gothic 哥特式
Baroque 巴洛克式
Rococo 洛可可式
Classicism 古典主义,古典风格
Neoclassicism 新古典主义
Romanticism 浪漫主义
Realism 现实主义
Symbolism 象征主义
Impressionism 印象主义
Art Nouveau 新艺术主义
Expressionism 表现主义
Fauvism 野兽派
Abstract art 抽象派, 抽象主义
Cubism 立体派, 立体主义
Dadaism 达达主义
Surrealism 超现实主义
Naturalism 自然主义
Existentialism 存在主义
Futurism 未来主义
Part 2 Key words & Sentences 关键词语全知道
Since the 20th century, the world is enjoying a boom of different art styles and different schools of art.
Dadaism came in to being during World War I, artists of this school are not only against war, but also against the authorities, against the tradition and art, against everything.
With the Dadaism movement fading away, on this basis, there comes the Surrealism movement.
Abstract art painting came into being in the United States after World War II, which has Pollock and De Kooning represented as representatives.
The movement of the Super Realism (or Photographic Realism) emerged in the 70's, whose main feature is the use of photographic results to create an objective and realistic depiction of replication.
Over the centuries, artists are understanding the art through a"scientific" vision in order to improve their level.
The difference between traditional western painting and modern painting are the attitudes of recreation.
Emphasizing formal structure is a modern painting genre.
Cubism artists are willing to sacrifice representation for the structure.
Expressionism is the second largest mainstream of modern painting. Expressionism painters are concerned of the inner emotions and the expression of inner spirit, thinking that art is not an objective representation but the performance of the soul.
The oldest paintings found so far is in the Grotte Chauvet in France, and some historians believe it dates back to 32,000 years ago.
Michelangelo spent four and a half years to complete the paintings on the ceiling of the Roman Sistine Chapel.
Matisse is a French painter and the founder of Fauvism.
Paul Cezanne is the father of modern painting.
Let's Talk!
Sunny:Wow, so many people are coming to this art exhibition today.
Harry:Right, it's very difficult to buy tickets.
Sunny:What is the theme?
Harry:Modern Pictures.
Sunny:Oh, Harry, come and see. This picture is very simple, but vivid.
Harry:This is Picasso's painting, equal to a world-class painter.
Sunny:Right, it's incredible to express art with such few lines.
Harry:Modern painting focuses on this effect, and he is the representative of modern painting.
Sunny:No wonder. Do you like painting?
Harry:Yeah, I like Chinese paintings. It's very poetic, peaceful and harmonious.
Sunny:Right, this is the style of Chinese painting, the pursuit of natural harmony.
Harry:There are a lot of pictures over there, let's go and have a look.
Sunny:OK, let's go.